Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Day 2 - Hanging with Hayli

Eyes opened again around 5:30am this morning and I just peered out the window across the bay. The bay was still dark and the light slowly started to rise about an hour later. Nervous energy was already setting in the body and I could not wait for LT to get up so we could both go out. However, we needed to fuel up before the fish slaying could begin. Mama suggested Granny’s Kitchen up the road. Thomas got up around 7:30am and we were quick head to the grub. Anna was happy when we arrived to find that they were serving Turkey and gravy even for breakfast. LT and I had some traditional breakfast.

Back at the house before 8:30am and the two Schiffers men were off on the kayaks. Anna had called little Hazel and she had decided to come up today for the day. They talked on the phone and thought she would get here a little before 11am. LT and I need to catch some bait first and then we were off to the middle of the bay for hopes of gar, snook and jacks.

We did pretty good! As usual, we got a smorgasbord fish in the morning and enjoyed every bit of it. After a few hours of fishing we headed back in to see if Hayli had made it in. She did. Even brought her dog. Hayli had the day of work and decided to spend with us. We all played with the dog a bit, had a few drinks and then headed back out on the kayaks. The ladies got out on the paddleboards. We had the ladies hold a cord as we pulled them with the kayaks. We didn’t go too far but had a great time putting around.

Later in the afternoon we went to Crackers for an early dinner. It was pretty chilly on the deck. We wanted to bring the dog and unfortunately had to eat outside. The service was a bit slow, so the longer we were out there the chillier it got. LT and I both had a firecracker burger which was amazing. The damn thing had to be a pound patties cooked. I was only able to eat half – I know, right – not like me. We also got several different appetizers, but the burgers took the trophy! Headed back to the house and bid farewell to little Hazel!

I was starting to come down with a cold or something and did not feel too+ good so I pretty much called it a day. I hopped into bed and tried to sleep, but my snotlocker was not having it. Needless to say, it ended up being a pretty rough night.

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