Saturday, November 30, 2019

Day 6 - Anna's finally in the Kayak

Today start like all the others – 30 minutes of wake and then onto the water. LT headed straight out and went fishing on artificial. I however, went to catch some bait. It must have been an hour or so that I was in the cove, because it seemed to take forever to catch those little elusive little bastards. The wind was blowing and moving the water a bit. Standing on the kayak, steering, trying to paddle where they were at and then cast netting was a bit of a challenge in the wind. I was only getting one or two on each cast. Finally was able to get a few casts that got a good amount of bait fish.

Headed into the bay and met up with LT. We fished out in the open water for about an hour or two and then headed in to see Mama. Anna had not been out on a kayak yet as her back has been hurting her. Today would be the day though. She eventually made it out in the kayak around 3pm. She pedaled out in the water with me for about 1.5 hours. I fished a little while she kayaked.

Since it was Thanksgiving Day there weren’t too many places open for dinner. I tried calling a few to see if they were open, but had no luck getting anyone on the phone. Anna managed to find the Planation which is right around the corner. They were having a Thanksgiving buffet which we ended up going to. Food was okay. Nothing special but it was nice for Anna not having to cook anything.

We came home back to our place and finished the night with some TV.

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