Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 5 - Water like Glass

Woke up this morning and Jill and Eric had already left. We think they took off around 5:30am. I never heard them leave. We all had a massive amount of sleep last night. I think each of us got a least a full twelve hours. Not sure when that happened last. I will scratch it up to water and sun sapping the life-force out of us.

 LT and I headed out on the kayaks a little before 8am. We fished some new spots we hadn’t before for about two hours. Cast netted for some bait and then headed back out to the main bay. It wasn’t long after arriving in the bay when all of a sudden a pair of dolphins rushed a school of jacks. It was an awesome sight to watch them feed. We were literally only about 50 feet away. We did see them rush jacks a few more times in the distance around the bay. Saw some huge tarpons roll in front of our kayaks, along with one juvenile alligator.

On the way back from one of the newer areas we went to, we passed the only welcome center I have ever seen on the water. A floating pontoon boat with all the information on manatees and the Crystal River area. I thought about going on board, but headed down the river instead.

Of course, we were constantly around or near a passing manatee. Even if you didn’t see them, you could hear there snort as they broke the water to catch a breath. Most of the bay is very shallow especially during low tide and if the water is very clear you can see the bottom. I would estimate in most places the depth is no greater than four to six feet.

Caught some jacks and snook, as well as a needless amount of catfish today. Stayed out on the water until 5pm. Came in and showered and pretty much called it a day. The house was down by 8pm.

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