Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 13 - Hanging out at Sapphire Beach Resort

Today we are having a laid back day. Thomas ended up bursting his ear drum Friday night, so I took him to the local clinic to have him check and make sure everything was okay. After seeing the doctor we found out that he did rupture the eardrum, but there was also an infection. So, we got some antibiotics and all should be good to go now.

The kids are simply mac'n out in the condo and watching some movies today, but Mama and I decided to put our faces back in the water.

Gorgeous blue fish - only about an 1.5 inches long.
Group of Blue Tang along with two cuddle fish in the front.

This guy was somewhat hard to chase down and take a picture of. 

Sea Urchins - Pretty, but not sure they scream, "Eat me!"

Three different Parrot Fishes in one photo. You just can't appreciate the colors.

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