Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 8 - Snorkeling is the task of the day!

Not much was planned for the day today. We simply lounged around and enjoyed our beach for the day.

Here's looking at you kid!

These guys were all over the reef. However, they did not want their picture taken. Caught this guy off-guard!

Stingray being followed by a blue runner. This ray was pretty large, just hard to tell by the picture.

I believe this fish is a parrot type fish.

This is the only one I saw. He was definitely a poser.
Anna enjoying the afternoon looking across the bay.

Mama and I heading to town to grab some essentials from Moe's Farmers Market - aka "Beer".

This was a shot I took from the opposite side of our resort. It was a very rock point as you can tell - but beautiful.

A view looking out at the bay from in front of our condo. Not too shabby!!!

This crab was playing invisible. Fortunately, I wash able to see him amidst the rocks.

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