Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 7 - Dive! Dive! Dive!

Olivia giving her visual excitement!
Big Lobster I wish I could have kept!
Olivia and I had a dive scheduled with Red Hook Dive Center this morning at 8:30. We had booked the dive several days earlier and were really looking forward to getting into the water offshore.

It was great! We had a small group of people we were diving with today. Basically beside Olivia and I, there were only four more visiting divers. The rest of the people on the boat were the crew, along with one Master Diver who was completing her certification.

Olivia captured on our 2nd dive.
We dove two sites. The first was a site close to the main island and was at a depth of about 60 feet. It was a reef area and a minor amount of rock formations. The second site was much different with the deepest being around 40 feet. We swam through arches, tunnels and deeper caverns. The second site was by far our favorite because it had much more diversity of corals, structure, fish and plant life.

We managed to get back to the dive shop around 12:20pm and stopped by the store to pick up some drinks and snacks. We tried to go to a restaurant called Raw - you guessed it - a Sushi place, but it didn't open until 5pm. We decided to head back to the condo and see if Anna and Thomas had eaten lunch. 

Mom, Liv and I did go out to eat to Sushi Thai and had some munchies there at around 2pm and ended up heading back to the place only to Mac-Out for the rest of the day.

Not sure of the proper fish name, but these guys were pecking at the reef like it was a free buffet at Quincy's.
Beautiful ray we encounter on our first dive.

Gorgeous small fan like coral. Olivia pointed them out to me on our 2nd dive. 
Vibrant purple little ???? These guys were located all over the coral. 

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