Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Day 4 - Getting Settled In - Day of Nothing

For some reason my body clock decided to wake me up at 3:30am this morning. I could not get my brain to shut down and was not able to get back to sleep. So, what do you do at 3:45am in morning when you can’t sleep? Fish of course! Nothing but catfish until 5:30am. I went inside got on the computer for about an hour and waited for the sun to come up. I put on my bike gear and hit the road. I rode the bike to Duck Key which was twelve miles away and then turned around and headed back home.

Got back home around 8am and was met by LT in the driveway. He had been fishing and caught several snappers and a barracuda. I fished with him for a bit until we were out of bait. We decided to head over to Sombrero Beach and see if we could hook up on some green backs. LT took the cast net and was able to get a few but the place just seemed empty, except for the hundreds of mullets. Off to Curry Hammock State Park to see if we would have better luck. Unfortunately, we did not have any better luck. LT did get about 10 elephant fish which we kept and tried to use as bait.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing in the pool and generally just goofing around. We all ended up taking a little siesta and eventually woke up with our bellies rumbling. Everyone except LT opted to go to the Sunset Grill which is located at the beginning of Seven Mile Bridge. When the girls and I got there, they had an hour wait time so we all decided to sit at the bar and just have dinner there. Olivia and I had some sushi choices, while Anna had ceviche and fried lobster.

After dinner we all watched the sunset and slowly found our way back home. All of us turned in early and called it a day.

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