Thursday, July 4, 2019

Day 6 -,The cousins are coming!

After the dive we headed back to the house and got there around 5pm. Nana and Grandpa had been sitting and enjoying the outside. It had been cloudy so it made the outside more bearable than usual for them. All of us got just chilled for the next couple of hours awaiting the arrival of Darrrel, Tobi and Lane. They were coming down from Muse and willing be staying with us for the weekend. Anna knowing they would be arriving soon, she headed up to the Publix and grabbed some burgers and buns.

A little before 8pm and we were greeted with their smiling faces. After a bit of catching up and chatting Anna threw the burgers on the grill and we proceeded to eat. I will say all had nothing but rave reviews on the burgers. The kale salad however was not the favorite by anyone. Somehow we forgot to put the beans on the table and the corn ended up remaining in the microwave. Apparently we all had other things on our minds. It was great to catch up and a real pleasure to have them come and spend some time with us.

The boys were ready to get out on the water, but seeing how late it was, Lane’s boat was not going to get put in this evening. So with no boat, the boys took off on the kayaks. We did not see them again before bed. Around 10pm the field was slowing starting thin out as Olivia, Nana and Grandpa went to bed. I followed shortly around 11:30pm and I believe the others ended up calling it a night a little bit after.

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