Thursday, August 8, 2019

Day 2 – Crossing the Continental Divide

Night was pretty awful in regards to sleep. Ashley and I did not sleep the best for whatever reason. I’m scratching it up to the altitude. We rolled out around 7am and hopped in the shower to get the day started. I looked up some things to do and there was a state park just a mile away called Cucumber Gulch. We figured a little bit of hiking and looking around would be best as it was calling for rain around 1pm today.

Put some grub in our bellies and we were off. The park had a gondola that took you up to the park. It also went up much further to an adventure park and to the top of the ski resort. We went into the gondola office and they had an offer that included the ride and a lunch atop of the mountain at a restaurant called “Vista House”. Rode the gondola and it was just beautiful. True beauty wasn’t realized until we got to the top.

When we got off the lift we noticed there was another house far above us and it looked like there was another lift that we could use. I asked the park attendant who stood by the lift we just got off of how we could get up there – the very top. His response was – WALK! The house was at least another 1,500 feet straight up. Ashley looked at me and said, “You want to walk it?” The only response that I had was “Sure”. However, my mind was telling me, are you fricking crazy?

And so the climbing began. I can’t tell you how many times I stopped on the way up. It was a stupid steep grade and something that normal people would not attempt. We however are not normal. It took about an hour to get to the top and the view was STUNNING! We were actually up at the height where there was still some snow. I must have taken 100+ pictures. After about 15-20 at the top we ventured back down. Although the walk down was a bit quicker, it seemed just as hard as the grade. Talk about a quad-killer.

Now that the exercise was done, we went for our lunch at Vista House. Both of us got a BreckFast Club. Let’s just say they totally hit the spot. After some grub and quite a bit of rest time, we made it back down the gondola and stopped at one of the other stations before the bottom. The stop was at Cucumber Glutch, a state park, a protected nature area that had beavers and plenty of fowl. Looked around a bit and then made our way back to the car. Since we didn’t hear back from the bike shop yet, we headed to the condo.

A little down time, some shut eye for about 30 minutes and we were off to the bike shop. We grabbed all our bike gear and went to pick up our bikes. They had assembled our ponies and we were ready to see how we would do here in the elevation. We chose an easy ride. The route was leaving downtown Breckenridge and followed I-70 all the way to Frisco, which was 10 miles away. The path we rode was a beautifully paved path with a very slight grade. During the ride both of us found things that we need to change on the bikes and shoes. We will tweak those over the upcoming days. Glad we did the ride, but 20 miles later I was happy the ride was over.

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