Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 9 - Breck Epic Stage 5 - Wheeler Pass

Forget what I said the other day! This has been the hardest day I have ever experienced on or with a bike. The reason I state it that way is because the whole day seemed like all I did was push the frickin bike. This stage is called Wheeler Pass and that pass is at Peak 9 then followed by another climb even higher to Goldammit! Awful - totally fucking awful!!! This climb was truly soul crushing!!!

Now, the views on the top of both were amazing. You could see forever! You don't realize how far up you are until you look down and see how tiny everything looks.

Ashley finished the ride in 5:40. I on the otherhand got pulled again at the last aid station for running 13 minutes over the cutoff time. I was not able to ride the last 7 miles, but got charged an hour on my time.

Got back the condo and took a shower. Ashley drove us to the bike shop and we dropped off my bike for its nightly wash and check-up and then headed next door to Breckenridge Pub and Brewery for dinner. Topped it off with a Rainbow Peak cookies from Mountain Top Cookie Shop. Headed back to the place and basically called it a day.

I will be adding photos later in the week.

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