Monday, August 12, 2019

Day 6 - BreckEpic Stage 2 - The ColoRADo Trail

Ashley and I woke up early this morning so we could pick up our bikes from Avalanche Sport before the ride. We walked to their and got our bikes a little after 7:30am. We checked our gear and rode off to the start line. The race started promptly at 8:30am.

The ride was a soul crusher. Ashley finished the race in 5:20 and I completed it in 8:07. The views along the way were down right beautiful. If you didn't pick up your head to look around you surely would have missed it. These trails are very technical so you have got to concentrate on your riding all the time. Lollygagging would definitely wreck you.

I wiped twice on the ride today. One of them I ended up cracking the Garmin mount. I hope I can find another one while we are here. I just do not have the energy to do it right now. The ride was 42.5 miles, with 6800ft of elevation. I managed to drink 8 liters of water during the ride - CRAZY!!!

By the end of the ride I was mentally and physically fried!!!! Not sure I have the physical stamina to handle the upcoming days! This BreckEpic is kicking my CLT ass!

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