Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 3 – The Quiet Before the Storm

I woke up a little later this morning, 5:23am and quickly hopped up to take advantage of the quiet before the storm. Even though there are not a lot of guests bustling around at 5:30 in the morning, the staff is already hard at work. Yesterday morning we watched two older gentlemen shovel away sea oats/ seaweed from the shore line all day. And I mean all day! We spoke with the general manager of the resort yesterday and he told us that since September it has been none stop. They believe it to be from the nitrates dumped in the waters. Either from fertilizer or some claim the sudden appearance is due to the chemicals used during the BP spill. Regardless, this clean-up is EVERY day and they hope it goes just as quick as it came.

We will be heading out at 9am this morning with “D”, our fishing guide, where he will be taking us into the channel side of the island. Snapper and Bonefish will be the targets of this venture. We are all excited to get the day started.

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