Friday, June 26, 2015

Day 9 – Just another day on Ambergris Caye

Olivia enjoying a massage.
We didn’t do much of anything, except had a day of amazing fun - again!!!

Right outside our room.
Olivia got the day started with a relaxing full body massage performed by Lillian. Olivia totally enjoyed it. After the body bashing, her and Anna kicked out on the lounge chairs at the beach. Thomas and I did what we had been doing for days….fishingggg at the dockkkk! We have now officially deemed it – “T&T Catch & Release Program”.

Mutten Snapper - It never saw free water again.
We headed to the front side of the reef with “D” for a little fishing since the waters were somewhat calm. Hoping to catch some dinner, we managed to tag numerous fish. Quite a bit of them were too small, so we threw them back in the world’s biggest pool. However, we did catch quite a number of different types that would be for consumption later. Anna decided to come with Thomas and I which was a pleasant treat. Around 5pm we headed back in. Anthony, the deck hand, needed to get back to the dock so he could catch the Coastal Express water taxi back to San Pedro.

Thomas emptied the live well and he and D were quickly at cleaning the day’s catch. Not too shabby for about a two hour ride. The chef had the fish in the kitchen within about 15 minutes and shortly plates were ready down in the restaurant. Just like a couple of nights ago, he prepared all the fish in three different ways. Scrumptious!!!

Portofino Restaurant and Bar - We have come to know this building very well.

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