Thursday, June 18, 2015

Embarkation - Charlotte

Just landed in Belize City
Yesterday we awoke at 5:30am bright-eyed and bushy tailed ready to start our summer vacation. We had already packed most everything several days prior, so all we had to worry about were some showers, teeth cleansings and oh yeah….almost forgot the passports. Luckily Anna remembered. We left the house around 6:30am as scheduled and arrived at the airport to see a flurry of holiday travelers embarking on their own journey.

To the boys back home!
Flight was a little delayed due to some flooding of the runways at Dallas/Ft. Worth, but nothing that would make us miss the flight to Belize from Dallas. We arrived at Dallas at 11:30am local time and boarded the plane to Belize City about 45 minutes later. The flight to Belize was a little over 3 hours and we arrived safely with an hour to get off the plane, go through passport and immigration, grab a cab and take the 20 minute cab ride to get to our water taxi. I did not think we would make our 4pm scheduled/reserved water taxi ride in time due to the delays incurred in Dallas.
Our shuttle from San Pedro to Portofino's. 

As Schiffers luck would have it, we had an amazing 15 minutes to spare. Perfect time to partake in a local favorite, Belikin, the island beer of choice (and only beer of choice – well… light or dark beer). Anna and I both had our first bottle and checked in with the water taxi service. The ride from Belize City to San Pedro was to take 1.5 hours. Straight along the shore line and across the island chains through blue tourquise water. After arriving we took a simply 20 minute water shuttle ride left to the resort to  reach our final destination in Ambergris Caye/San Pedro – Portofino Beach Resort ( ).

We hit the dock at Portofino at 6pm local time – CST, where were greeted by Jennifer the hotel concierge, along with two others who helps unload the baggage. A big smile and warm welcome along with four damp clothes were presented upon leaving the boat. --- Big smiles were had by all. Needless to say we were very happy to be at our final destination. Hungry too. Very Hungry!!!

Not sure if you can see, but the comment on the side of the buidling says
Immediately after check-in we were presented our room and quickly hit the restaurant. Wow!! The food was amazing. Olivia had a Lobster Bisque that we have all determined to be the best any of us ever had. When I say the put a half lobster tail in the soup, they literally put a half lobster tail in the bisque. I was so tender like eating big chunks are divine steak cuts. Anna and I both had snapper, although I like hers better. She had one prepared in a chardonnay sauce and mine was an almond crusted version.

After dinner, Thomas and I both got out the fishing rods and went out onto the pier. It was very odd, but here it is dark at 7pm so we were somewhat outta whack with time not only from the time change, but also the sunset timing. As if that would make a difference in our determination to cast a line.
All of the decoration on the bed are individual flower petals! How crazy is that?
First Catch (SR) – Red Snapper, Next (SR) – Mangrove Snapper, Then (LT) – Grunts (several of them). About 1.5 hours into fishing, Young master Schiffers managed to catch a Lionfish. I am glad to report he had the good sense to cut the line and not attempt to remove the fish/hook. After a few more catch and releases we called it a night. I think we are off to a great start. Both Thomas and I can’t wait to cast the fly rods in the morning in hopes of catching our first Bonefish!!! 

When we got in the room we found the ladies fast asleep and heavy into the competitive nightly sport of snoring.  Olivia is looking forward to Mac’in out on the hammock and tanning by the pool. We are all ready for our first full day of adventure tomorrow!!!! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!

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