Sunday, June 28, 2015

Traveling along the Northern part of Ambergris Caye

You truly don’t realize what all is involved with getting from point A to point B here on the island until you need to really get something done. Here on Ambergris Caye most everything is located in San Pedro which is located on the southern tip. Anything about two miles north of that starts to require water taxis.

Due to some of the road conditions, most of the locals here travel mainly via the water. It didn’t dawn on me until earlier this morning how the water taxi system truly worked. The water taxi/ferry service is run by Coastal Express. There are docks at every resort and mostly ever home.

At the end of all the resort docks and several public docks there is a red and green light. Red indicates you need to go north and Green means south, back towards San Pedro. The boats also have a light on the front of the boat indicating which way they are going. If both lights match they come out of the channel and to your dock….you’re getting a ride! These taxi only run on the halves of every hour. If you happen to miss one, you have to wait an hour.
Cost each way for tourists is $11 US / locals $5.50.

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