Saturday, November 30, 2019

Day 7 - Black Friday

When we caught fish throughout the week we asked most of them if there was going to be any great opportunity to catch a shit ton real easy somewhere on Black Friday – we got no answers! Crystal River is a small community and I doubt there were going to be any long lines at any store. LT however, thought different and said this is the day that old people look forward to. Luckily, we Schiffers boys were not going shopping.

We hung around the house a bit this morning. Headed to the Publix for some nail clippers and beer and then off on the kayaks. To the bait spot and cast netted for about 30 minutes until I felt we had enough bait fish for the morning and then met LT out in the bay. LT was cast netting as well by Buccaneer Island as I came up to him. We fished in the area for some time. As I was approaching the northern end a guide standing on the roof of a passing pontoon boat yelled out to me that there was a school of reds around the bend. Within seconds thereafter, the school rushed by me churning the water. LT and I tried to catch one but had no success.

We headed in the main shipping channel and LT starting throwing hard baits for Ladyfish. He was killing it! He graciously gave me a lure and we were both off to the races. I don’t recall the count of ladyfish we caught, but it was plentiful! The whole time we were fishing for them, we were hoping to latch on to a jack or maybe even a mackerel, but our Black Friday wish did not come true. We did however have a blast reeling in the ladies!!! Stayed out in the channel for several hours before finally coming in around 2pm.

I wanted to clean the kayaks and have some of the other gear have an opportunity to dry off before putting the stuff in the car. Plans were that we were starting to head back tomorrow and wanted to get the kayaks on the roof of the car before 5pm or so. The no-see-ums will eat you alive once the sun sets and I did not want to be messing with the kayaks then. Bug spray is a savor here and I need lots of it. Those little gnats tore me up this trip. The arms and legs have hundreds of bites to show the battle scars.

Car pretty much packed and we headed to Sellers Seafood around 4:30pm. The place was busy already, but not fully booked so we got a table right away. Anna and LT had some mudbugs, we also ordered snow crab legs and fried gator ribs. All the food was good as usual. Sellers is landmark restaurant here in Crystal Rivers and the place is always hopping. Before leaving we got a couple of cheesecake slices to go. LT and I ate ours the moment we got home. Anna was saving hers for breakfast. Not sure it will make it that long.

After getting home, LT and I fished out on the dock for about an hour with the remaining bait fish. We had a ball. Didn’t catch anything but catfish, but that was okay. Ended up watching about an hour or two of Netflix and then headed to bed.

Day 6 - Anna's finally in the Kayak

Today start like all the others – 30 minutes of wake and then onto the water. LT headed straight out and went fishing on artificial. I however, went to catch some bait. It must have been an hour or so that I was in the cove, because it seemed to take forever to catch those little elusive little bastards. The wind was blowing and moving the water a bit. Standing on the kayak, steering, trying to paddle where they were at and then cast netting was a bit of a challenge in the wind. I was only getting one or two on each cast. Finally was able to get a few casts that got a good amount of bait fish.

Headed into the bay and met up with LT. We fished out in the open water for about an hour or two and then headed in to see Mama. Anna had not been out on a kayak yet as her back has been hurting her. Today would be the day though. She eventually made it out in the kayak around 3pm. She pedaled out in the water with me for about 1.5 hours. I fished a little while she kayaked.

Since it was Thanksgiving Day there weren’t too many places open for dinner. I tried calling a few to see if they were open, but had no luck getting anyone on the phone. Anna managed to find the Planation which is right around the corner. They were having a Thanksgiving buffet which we ended up going to. Food was okay. Nothing special but it was nice for Anna not having to cook anything.

We came home back to our place and finished the night with some TV.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 5 - Water like Glass

Woke up this morning and Jill and Eric had already left. We think they took off around 5:30am. I never heard them leave. We all had a massive amount of sleep last night. I think each of us got a least a full twelve hours. Not sure when that happened last. I will scratch it up to water and sun sapping the life-force out of us.

 LT and I headed out on the kayaks a little before 8am. We fished some new spots we hadn’t before for about two hours. Cast netted for some bait and then headed back out to the main bay. It wasn’t long after arriving in the bay when all of a sudden a pair of dolphins rushed a school of jacks. It was an awesome sight to watch them feed. We were literally only about 50 feet away. We did see them rush jacks a few more times in the distance around the bay. Saw some huge tarpons roll in front of our kayaks, along with one juvenile alligator.

On the way back from one of the newer areas we went to, we passed the only welcome center I have ever seen on the water. A floating pontoon boat with all the information on manatees and the Crystal River area. I thought about going on board, but headed down the river instead.

Of course, we were constantly around or near a passing manatee. Even if you didn’t see them, you could hear there snort as they broke the water to catch a breath. Most of the bay is very shallow especially during low tide and if the water is very clear you can see the bottom. I would estimate in most places the depth is no greater than four to six feet.

Caught some jacks and snook, as well as a needless amount of catfish today. Stayed out on the water until 5pm. Came in and showered and pretty much called it a day. The house was down by 8pm.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Day 4 - Out on the Water

Early rise again today as the sun slowly crept over the horizon to shine some light across the water. I could wake up this way every morning. Was still feeling a little under the weather, but much better than the day before. Everyone was up and at ‘em after I got up and took a shower. LT was outside getting ready to get out on the kayak. I stayed and chatted with Eric a bit inside, while the girls were outside taking in the morning with some coffee.

Not much longer before Eric and I got in the water as well. Pedaled to a few coves to see about cast netting for some bait fish but had no luck. LT hammered in some snook and caught a nice size bass in one of the bays using artificial baits. I tried a few lures, but had no luck. About an hour later, I trekked back to the cove and cast netted again, this time leaving with a bait bucket full. Headed out in the main bay and hooked on to all kinds of fish. The funniest fish catch was a ladyfish. They run hard and breach the water with great body twists and splashes. And of course we caught a plethora of catfish.

Anna and Jill headed out around the town while we were fishing. Anna took Jill over to Triple Sister Springs and Homosassa Springs Zoo.

Headed back to the house later in the early afternoon and everyone was on the deck sitting around the table chatting. Eric had apparently attempted to pee of his kayak earlier with no success. He stopped by a seawall and as he starting to pee, he leaned forward and the kayak starting going backwards causing him to fall in the water. He lost his glasses and a few other items. LT and I headed back to see if we could find his glasses. No luck, but we did rescue his leatherman and some pliers. We will attempt to look for them again in the morning.

Headed to the Freeze in Homosassa for an early dinner. Everyone was pretty hunger and had a hankering for some crustaceans and fish. Not a sound was made by any of us while eating. It was like we hadn’t been feed for a few days. We got several pounds of peel and eat shrimp, smoked mullet and stone crabs. Bellies full and we headed back to the hacienda.  Once home all of us slowly started falling one by one. It was an early night with pretty much everyone in bed before 8pm.

Day 3 - Amanda and fam

It was a rough night last. Ended up coming down with a cold and felt like I hacked all night long. Hour after hour I was hoping for morning to come. Finally around 4am or so I managed to close my eyes and get a little sleep. Woke up around 7am and double medicated to try and put an end to the pain.

LT was ready to get the day started and I did not want to let him start it without me. I drove up to the bait shop around the corner to grab some shrimp around 8am. The shrimp was to be the backup bait today in case we didn’t catch enough greenbacks. He and I both headed out in the kayaks when I returned. Amanda was coming this morning with the kids so we wanted to get out and do some fishing before the parade of children got here.

Fish, fish and more fish. Somehow the trident god was looking out for us today, because the fishing was good. You forget how wonderful it is to be able to catch all the different species in a place like this. There are sections of Kings Bay which are littered with snapper. Others with Alligator Gar and the mass of the bay is just saturated with Channel Catfish. If it were any other day you would love to be able to hook into any of those species, however when you want snook, jacks, or a variety of others, it the last thing you want to see at the end of your line – a catfish!

We both fish for a bit before seeing Amanda and the kids come kayak out to us in the bay. Jaylin ended up coming out to LT and he managed to hook into a nice size alligator gar. We stayed out for a bit longer and then finally headed back in and played in the yard. 

The kids swam in the pool and the boys ended up playing football in the yard next door. Anna ended up going out to the dollar store and bought the kids a treasure trove of candy and snacks. Needless to say, they devoured just about every last bit. It was a great time and we were sorry to see them go, but they ended up heading back home a little bit before 5pm.

Anna was getting excited because Jill was heading up today and arrived a round 6pm. She ended up coming up with her friend Eric. We didn’t stay up too long before calling it a night.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Day 2 - Hanging with Hayli

Eyes opened again around 5:30am this morning and I just peered out the window across the bay. The bay was still dark and the light slowly started to rise about an hour later. Nervous energy was already setting in the body and I could not wait for LT to get up so we could both go out. However, we needed to fuel up before the fish slaying could begin. Mama suggested Granny’s Kitchen up the road. Thomas got up around 7:30am and we were quick head to the grub. Anna was happy when we arrived to find that they were serving Turkey and gravy even for breakfast. LT and I had some traditional breakfast.

Back at the house before 8:30am and the two Schiffers men were off on the kayaks. Anna had called little Hazel and she had decided to come up today for the day. They talked on the phone and thought she would get here a little before 11am. LT and I need to catch some bait first and then we were off to the middle of the bay for hopes of gar, snook and jacks.

We did pretty good! As usual, we got a smorgasbord fish in the morning and enjoyed every bit of it. After a few hours of fishing we headed back in to see if Hayli had made it in. She did. Even brought her dog. Hayli had the day of work and decided to spend with us. We all played with the dog a bit, had a few drinks and then headed back out on the kayaks. The ladies got out on the paddleboards. We had the ladies hold a cord as we pulled them with the kayaks. We didn’t go too far but had a great time putting around.

Later in the afternoon we went to Crackers for an early dinner. It was pretty chilly on the deck. We wanted to bring the dog and unfortunately had to eat outside. The service was a bit slow, so the longer we were out there the chillier it got. LT and I both had a firecracker burger which was amazing. The damn thing had to be a pound patties cooked. I was only able to eat half – I know, right – not like me. We also got several different appetizers, but the burgers took the trophy! Headed back to the house and bid farewell to little Hazel!

I was starting to come down with a cold or something and did not feel too+ good so I pretty much called it a day. I hopped into bed and tried to sleep, but my snotlocker was not having it. Needless to say, it ended up being a pretty rough night.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Day 1 - Waking up in the BIG FL

Woke up this morning in Crystal River in the sunny state of Florida. Glass doors in the bedroom plastered the entire wall overlooking the Kings Bay. Anna and I just laid in bed for a bit watching the fog lift and the water roll as the gar and other fish breach the water. How lucky are we!!

LT wasn’t too much longer before he got up and the both of us got the kayaks off the top of the car and put them in the water. After we got the car unpacked, I headed around the corner to the bait shop to pick up some live shrimp. The shrimp is usually gone from the bait shops by 8am or 9am, so we needed to make sure and get there pretty early.  With fifty shrimp in the bait bucket we were armed and ready to slay some fish.

Kissed Mama and LT and I were off on the kayaks. It wasn’t but a few minutes and we were both catching fish. I wanted to catch a gar to begin with. They roll in a small area in front of our place just in the middle of the bay. I watched for a few to break the water and cast away. Within a minute I had one grab hold and reeled him in. LT was killing it with some Ladyfish. We stayed on the water pretty much all day. LT also caught some snook, bass, jack and multiple snappers. I managed to catch a slew of catfish (which I did not want to), mackerel, gar, snappers and jacks.

After coming back in to the house for the day, we ordered some Mexican food. Powered it down and then took it easy for a bit. Went back out on to the dock a fished a bit, before heading in to watch a movie. Anna had laid down a bit earlier and was already out by the time LT and I decided to go to bed – at 7:15pm. Way too early, but we both thought it was around 10 or 11.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day 10 - Breck Epic Stage 6 - The Gold Dust Trail

Last day!! Thank goodness! Yesterday was a mind blowing awfully hard day which tested our bodies to the max! Anything after Wheeler Pass and Goldammit just seems to be less painful!

They are grouping people in waves again this morning and we take off a little before 9am. Today's route is only 29 miles long and roughly 3700ft in elevation. They are starting us in waves because where we are starting is a single track that goes straight up a mountain and they need to spread out the field.

After taking stock of our injuries and pain, we licked our wounds and headed to Avalanche Sports to pick up our bikes a little before 7:30am. I can't tell you how nice it is that every morning we pick up our bikes are they are spick and span and in perfect working condition. I felt that every time I have dropped off the bike, the brakes have simply been trashed. Both Ashley and I have had not only our pads replaced several time, but have also replaced the brake rotors. Crazy to think that a ride like this would kill those parts that quickly, but amazing it does. And now I know why!!!

Got to the park and just tried to take it in this morning known it is the last day. We watched all the pros take off and soon it was our turn. Just like every other day, they started us going uphill. Damnit! I pretty much took it easy and walked a good portion of the beginning couple of miles, but rode the rest. Today was a much more relaxed day with less miles and less elevation. The first aid station was at mile 12 and then it was off to a long eight mile fire road climb. The climb was actually pretty good. Sure it was long, but you could grind it out. Well, as good as grinding can get or shall I say as good as my legs could grind. From there, it was a downhill for the rest of the way. At least more downhill than all the other days! Which when they said downhill, was EPIC for uphill!

It felt good to cross the line and know I had completed the BreckEpic. Ashley killed in 3:19 and I completed in 4:52. Ashley is such a rockstar!! After the race I was super glad to drop the bike off at Avalanche Sports and headed straight to Breckenridge Brewery and Pub to meet up with Ashley - who had already had several celebratory libations! And well deserved if I may add! We slammed back several rounds. After about 45 minutes there, Ashley's buddy Matt came by and said hello. We agreed to meet him and his friend Tom a little later in the evening.

Went back to the condo for a shower and headed to the banquet. Time to pickup our photos and belt buckles. Food was good and we hung around for most of the ceremonies, but a little after halfway through, we decided to head out to RMU - Rocky Mountain Underground - Stage 7. Cool bike shop/bar/hangout. It wasn't long and the place was poppin'. We met a young lady by the name of Keri Herman, ex-Olympian, Dew Tour and XGames skier. It was her birthday and Ashley bought her a round. She was a really sweet young lady who shared with us that she was coming out next month with her first ski design. She was so excited and we were priviledged enough to have her show the design.

We caught up with Matt and Tom and later also ended up hanging out with Mark and Sandy - from Charlotte. After several more drinks, we made our way back to the condo. Need I say we were out like a light within minutes.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 9 - Breck Epic Stage 5 - Wheeler Pass

Forget what I said the other day! This has been the hardest day I have ever experienced on or with a bike. The reason I state it that way is because the whole day seemed like all I did was push the frickin bike. This stage is called Wheeler Pass and that pass is at Peak 9 then followed by another climb even higher to Goldammit! Awful - totally fucking awful!!! This climb was truly soul crushing!!!

Now, the views on the top of both were amazing. You could see forever! You don't realize how far up you are until you look down and see how tiny everything looks.

Ashley finished the ride in 5:40. I on the otherhand got pulled again at the last aid station for running 13 minutes over the cutoff time. I was not able to ride the last 7 miles, but got charged an hour on my time.

Got back the condo and took a shower. Ashley drove us to the bike shop and we dropped off my bike for its nightly wash and check-up and then headed next door to Breckenridge Pub and Brewery for dinner. Topped it off with a Rainbow Peak cookies from Mountain Top Cookie Shop. Headed back to the place and basically called it a day.

I will be adding photos later in the week.

Day 8 - Breck Epic Stage 4 - Aqueduct

The pain was so extreme yesterday I was surprised I was even able to move this morning. Recovery has been a challenge during these stage races. First of all there is no such thing as normal sleep. Both of us have been waking up multiple times throughout the night and then wake up a the ass crack of dawn not able to get back to sleep. Secondly, there is no a possible way to get the caloric intake back overnight to make up and fuel the next day. Lastly, you consistently feel dehydrated - not really - but the amount of water and liquids just never feel like you are intaking enough.

Today's stage was 41 miles and 6900 feet of climbing. It was not as technical as some of the other days, but still one hell of a day. Views were spectacular! Several places were very scary.

Ashley crushed the ride in 5:16. I was pulled from the course upon arrival into aid station 3. I was apparently 18 minutes passed the cut off time. I was only 8 miles from the finish. I know it would have taken me another two hours to get there, but they only charged me an hour penalty. I arrived at the aid station in 6:48.

More pictures to come.... Too tired to upload

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 7 - Breck Epic Stage 3 - Mount Guyot

Insane! Hardest day on the bike ever! Even though it was only 39 miles long and a little less than 7000 feet in elevation, it seemed like 30K feet!! The views were amazing! We crossed the continental divide on one of our climbs. It was the toughest climb I have ever done! I will update the text later - too tired to type our experience. Enjoy the pics!