Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 10 - Fort Myers, here we come

Spent the time yesterday just enjoying Aunt Donna’s company. We hung around the house, played cards and chitty-chatted. The day ran away from us and before long it was dinner time. Alexander’s was the decided restaurant for supper. The prime rib was on point!

Left Aunt Donna’s this morning and rumbled down the road towards Fort Myers. We headed out around 9:30am and planned to make it to Josh's by noon. Josh was kind enough to let us hang at his place until Friday. Aunt Carla greeted us with big smiles and opened arms when we arrived. She has been staying with Josh and helped him renovated the house - beautiful home! Everyone was excited to see her. Josh, however was not there. He is out in California on a new business adventure, but we will see him in the beginning of August.

After visiting a bit, we headed out to Toby’s and picked up Lane. Lane was going to hang with us for several days. Anna and Carla also picked up a Jeep for use of an additional vehicle during our stay. After leaving Toby's, we drove to Fish Eating Creek Park to check out the camping location where we will be camping in August and to give the boys some time to fish.

Aunt Carla had taken her camper out to Fish Eating Creek about a week ago and camped there a night with Lane, so they were eager to show Thomas all the hot fishing spots. The boys headed straight to the Depot, a pond near the back of the property. Within about 15 minutes, Thomas managed to wrangle in a non-fish species on his rod. Never seen that before, but what a thrill for the boys!

We hung out at the camp for about another hour until we headed back to the house. Since it was about an hour away, it wasn't until around 7pm that we managed to get home. Everyone was a bit exhausted from travel and the day in general. We stayed up a bit and caught up on life and the family happenings before heading to see the sandman.

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