Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 3 - Fishing the River

The plan was to go right away to Ed’s Bait & Tackle at 5:30am. I, however, woke up a little after 7am. Sun-rays were beaming and shining bright when I got in the car ten minutes later to get some shrimp. When I arrived at Ed’s, I grabbed the bait cooler and headed to the door. Before I could even got in the door, Ed stood in the doorway shaking his head – “No reason to bring that in son. I ain’t got no shrimp today. Ain’t had any for three days.”

Off to the next shop, only to have the same problem. The weekend apparently took out the whole shrimp inventory across Crystal River. I was bound and determined though and was able to get some a little later in the morning.

It was definitely a day of fishing. Can I just say we killed it on the water? In the middle of the bay there are a handful of gar that kept breaking the water surface. I initially thought they were catfish but the way they broke the surface looked more like tarpon. LT and I decided to go discover. We hooked on a bunch and reeled in quite a many. Beautiful looking fish! We stuck to the Gar for several hours using small perch as bait.

It was primarily nice and calm most of the day, except for a few times when some storms pushed through. At one point, half the bay was clear and the other under dark thick clouds. It was a very impressive site. Thomas and I stayed in the kayaks most of the day and tooled around the bay. There are parts of the bay that are wildlife sanctuaries, so the birds and other animals are everywhere. This is a true jewel of Florida!

Olivia and Anna hit the local Goodwill in the early afternoon and found quite a bit of loot. Olivia purchased a couple of shirts, got Thomas a bathing suit and Anna got a pair binoculars.

Anna made some delicious chicken dinner. We literally wolfed it down. A day of kayaking and fishing will do that to the Schiffers’ men. 

After dinner, Anna ended up kayaking with us for a bit and then we pretty much headed in for the night. The kids and I ended up watching “Taken”. Great flick!

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