Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 13 - Family time

Everyone slept in this morning and not a lot of racket occurred until around 9am. The boys and girls all lounged around the house until around 11am. We met Lexi, Shelly, Derrick and Newn for lunch at the Miller Ale House. We all haven’t seen them for quite some time and it was nice to get everyone together. The kids all ate at one table and the adults at another. We all chatted for some time after the meal and ended up leaving around 1:30pm. Lexi and Derrick had an appointment they needed to be at around 2, so we simply headed back to the house.

Toby came by to pick up Lane and hung out for about an hour. Her and Anna spent some time looking at pictures and jaw-jacking. I ended up heading to Ocean Angler tackle shop and West Marine to pick up a new fishing rod along with some other necessities.

Tonight was Swedish pancake night at Grandma Betty’s and we were definitely not going to be late. We headed out around 4:15pm and hit the Sun Harvest store for some fresh orange, strawberry-orange and grapefruit juice to take over to Betty’s. When we arrived we were greeted with the biggest hugs. Pat, Grandma Betty’s daughter, was there as well and is now a permanent resident of Fort Myers.

We all helped a bit in the kitchen and within about 15 minutes, once Carla arrived, we were ready to eat. Wow! These Swedish pancakes are way too good. Anna and I powered down six each. No telling how many Olivia and Thomas devoured. It was good to spend some time with Grandma Betty, Pat and Carla – we simply do not see them enough.

Headed out around 8pm and took Olivia back to the house. Anna and Carla left and went to Aldi and picked up some things for the banquet next week. After we dropped Oli off, Thomas and I headed back out for a bit to one of the local canals. Neither of us managed to catch anything, but we had a good time.

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