Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 1 - On our way to Crystal River

Today we left with a broken heart. Still confused, horribly saddened and in disbelief that my mom had pasted. I had an internal strife battling to stay or go on vacation. I felt comfort thinking mom would want us to go. So I’m told myself.

We left Charlotte around 8:15am and took the usual trip down I-95. The kids fell back to sleep not but 30 minutes down the road. Anna and I took turns driving with little excitement until we got down near Crystal River. Can we say – Laid Back! This is definitely a vacation town.

We were all happy to finally arrive. Checked in, took a breather and then hit Crackers for dinner. Food was pretty good. When we left the restaurant Anna notice an unusual cop car. I had to do a double take. Take a really close look - half of the car is painting as a cop car and the back half as a taxi cab. Pretty cool and definitely had to take a picture.

Not much left to the evening but a little rest and off to Neverland.

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