Saturday, September 7, 2024

Day 2 - Rain, Rain, Rain - Tree Bay

 Day 2 - Sept. 6th

Anna, Thomas, and Olivia, got up and headed to a resort next to us called Novotel and had breakfast. I woke up about 45 minutes later and joined them there for an awesome buffet that literally had everything for just under $9 a plate. Even though some of the things in Thailand are close to US prices, the mass of things, especially food and just down right inexpensive - AND taste better. 

After breakfast, LT and I headed to SeaMonster Fish Park. The park was basically a series of big ponds that had massive fish in it. The nice thing was that the entry fee included everything from the bait, to the fishing poles. When we arrived we were the only ones there, so we had the run of the place. A young gentleman by the name of Ko stayed with us the entire time and helped when needed. LT grabbed some beers and off we went. Around the pond they had multiple little decks with chairs and coverings, along with a table. 

LT or course managed to hook up on the first one and it was a massive Beramundi. It was really cool watching LT wrangle the fish in. Ko, had a basket like net that he was able to keep the fish in so he could remove the move and have a place to grab the fish for a picture. Unfortunately, this Beramundi, did not tire out enough before LT tried to grab him for a fish picture. The fish was a hoss and damn big, so after a few attempts of trying to get the best grab of the fish for a picture, it managed to wiggle out and got free. Definitely a record fish. 

Anna and Olivia walked around town while Thomas and I were fishing

LT hooked into two more Beramundis, only this time he was sure to not let any of them go before getting a few pictures. They were big, but nothing like the first one he caught. We both got hooked on a few more times, but the fish managed to get off. I unfortunately did not reel one in. 

We left the park around 12:30pm and meet back up with Olivia and Anna around 1:15 at the Happy Place in Kata town. It was a little coffee, bar, kush place near the Night market. We sat for about fifteen minutes and then grabbed some lunch at the place we ate at the day before. Again, the food was pretty damn good. We all had something different and even tried a few extra meals just so we could have a taste testing. 

Headed back up to the room and LT stayed to chill, while Olivia, Anna, and I headed down to the beach. The girls wanted to get in the water for a bit an have their feet touch the sand. After about 10-15 minutes at the beach, Anna decided to get a foot massage. She was in her happy place for about an hour, when all of a sudden the sky let loose and we were in a major downpour. We stayed under the massage tent for about 10 minutes before getting on a TukTuk and heading to our Airbnb. 

Everyone rested and chilled for a few hours before we all headed up to Tree Bay, a restaurant located up in the hills overlooking Kata Beach. What amazing food, but even more amazing view. Finishing dinner we headed back home. I ended up literally going to sleep and calling it a day at around 8:30pm. The rest of the crew headed to town. Olivia got back around 11pm, but Thomas and Anna decided to party it up at the Black Bear with the owner until about 4am in the morning.

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