Saturday, September 7, 2024

Day 3 - Bangkok Here We Come

 Day 3 - Sept. 7th

Today we head to Bangkok. It was a short stay in Phuket. We originally were to arrive a week earlier, but due to Anna's hospitalization, we postponed the trip so she could heal and make sure she would be good to to travel. 

Our driver arrived at 7am this morning and we managed to get to the airport a little before 9am. Before arriving though we did stop at a 7/11 and grabbed a bunch of snacks. Everyone is trying different items and looking at having food out of the norm we would usually get. Up to now, all the stuff we have tried has really been good.

Our flight this morning was at 10:15am on AirAsia. Reminded me of an American Airlines flight. Seats were very close together and almost no legroom. The flight was pretty quick. We arrived in Bangkok at 11:50 and got a Grab Cab to take us to the house. The house was about 1.5 hours from the airport. Crazy because the house is only 12 miles away from the airport, but the traffic is slow and makes the ride seem forever when you are excited to get there.

I rented a place in the Chinatown district (Song Wat) and we are in the heart of all the action and yet about an eighth of a mile away enough for some peace. The place we got is a two-story with four bedrooms, enough to appease the masses. Bangkok is a very dense city and they utilized all of the space, including the alleys. They are filled with vendors and mini stores. It is home to over 10 million people, so as you can imagine, there is a lot going on. 

We relaxed for about an hour upon arrival and then ventured out for some grub. The place of choice was a seafood restaurant right down the road. Each of us got something different and also ordered some sides of snow peas and fried okra, which were frickin delicious. Anna ordered a sea bass, LT got blue crab, Olivia got shrimp rice bowl and I had spicy scallops. All of the food was super yummy.

After the belly filling we headed back home and relaxed until around 6:30pm, when Anna and I decided to go to Khagee for some massages. The kids stayed home and crashed out. With our muscles relaxed, Anna and I headed to a rooftop bar called Stash and hung out there until around 10:30pm. When we got back Olivia was up and we made a command decision to order some sushi. Satisfied with the day, we turned in a little after midnight.

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