Monday, September 9, 2024

Day 5 - The Grand Palace and The Royals (Olivia and LT)

 Day 5 - Sept. 9th

The whole Schiffers clan got quite a bit of rest last night. LT woke up with bad sinuses just like Olivia did the day prior, but with some meds we were able to get him moving. All the time change, lack of sleep and different environment can really do a number on the body. We headed out the door a little after 9am and walked towards the main street to grab a TukTuk. The ride was about twenty minutes and we got to see some of the parts that we had not yet ridden.

The Grand Palace was absolute huge. Not the Palace itself, but the grounds and the compound. The Grad Palace is the residence for the King of Thailand and his family. It consists of so many buildings I couldn't begin to say what they are all for, but the palace has been the residence since 1782. Just the sheer architecture, adorning of stones, glass and metals makes you wonder. The history of it all is fascinating. All throughout the grounds, most of the walls in the covered paths had murals which were beautifully painted. 

Having been ensatiated with all the history, it was next decided to go visit a floating market. Olivia found an indoor one which was located in a mall. A seven-story mall. This place was huge! The ground floor was the floating market and it was packed. We definitely need one of these back at home. Even with all the food choices and lifestyles here in Bangkok, the people are healthy. You very seldomly see an overweight person. Amazing that we in the US have gotten to such a gluttened state and blame everyone else for our problems. Most of the people in the states have no clue of hardship. I digress!

Enough with the mall, Anna and I headed across the street from the mall and first visited NZ Weed. Mama wanted to relax a bit before getting a massage. The kids stayed in the mall and shopped around. Anna and I stayed at NZ for about 30 minutes before heading to Urban Thai Massage. Anna got a pedicure and I got a full body Thai massage. Anna was smiling as she came out, so we know Mama happy. Mine was both painfully and wonderful all at the same time. 

The kids met up with us about ten minutes after our massage and we headed back towards our neck of the woods and went to Remedy. A craft bar that had so really weird beers. Weird, but good. Complaints started coming in about hunger, so off we went and found a hot pot restaurant. Unbelievable! Not what I was expecting, but ever so joyful we landed there. It took us a bit of time to order because we couldn't communicate well with the server. However, once we broke through the language barrier, all was well in Schiffersville. It was so frickin delicious.

We headed back home and called it a night.

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