Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 6 - Canal Tour Around Bangkok

 Day 6 - Sept. 10th

Anna wanted to stay off her feet today a bit, so we decided to book a canal long-tail boat tour at 10am. We went out with a tour company called Co Van Kessel and our tour guide was Suzie. The tour included us and about 5 more people. We took off a pier right on the Bangkok River and headed north. The river is pretty wide and the water moves really quickly. The city has all the canals gated to control water flow. We went about a mile up the river and headed into one of the gates. They take about five minutes to open one section and then close the other. 

The houses on the canal are shacks to big houses. But what we have been told the property on the banks has typically been in family hands for generations, so therefore the differences. We headed down one canal until we came up to a temple. This one was a temple that was a blend of both Thai and Indian culture. Definitely a bit unique. Before heading back on the boat, Suzie handed out bags of bread to everyone and we fed the catfish in the river. They were boiling over one another to grab the bread. Suzie had informed us that this part of the river was not allowed to be fished due to the temple and therefore the fish were so aggressive. The whole boat tour lasted about 2.5 hours and was a great way to see a part of the city.

Naam 1608 was our next stop. It was by many accounts called the best hidden Thai restaurant in Bangkok. Not sure it was the best one, but definitely the food was mouth-watering fireworks. All of us had some super tasty dishes. The restaurant had a bar seating area that faced the river, so it totally added to the ambiounce. I've been so happy seeing all of us try something different at each place we go. God knows the kids love noodles, ramen, sushi, and soup, so this is their kind of jam. It's really going to be hard to go back home.

Everyone chilled for the rest of the night, but I opted to go back to Kaghee for a neck and shoulder massage. It was a good call and glad I went. I couldn't get any of the others to come. Got home around 9:30pm and hung out with Olivia. LT and Anna were already asleep. Olivia and I ordered some grub around 11pm and then crashed.

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