Monday, April 22, 2019

Day 11 – Easter Sunday Brunch before leaving Grand Cayman

It was the last day on the island and we didn’t have anything planned, except a Sunday brunch. Since today was Easter, all the restaurants had planned elaborate lunches. The main restaurant we wanted to go to, Anchor and Den, was fully booked. Lighthouse, which was a restaurant half way to the airport ended up being our next choice. We attempted to stop by there on our first day to grab some lunch, but they didn’t open until 5pm. We made our reservation for noon.

We all woke up pretty early and started the packing and cleaning efforts. Since we had all morning, we just took our time and enjoyed the few hours we had left at the house. Anna and I got a bit of packing done last night, so at least we didn’t have to do everything today.

We headed to the Lighthouse at 11:30am. Everyone was ready to eat and we could not wait to start feeding our pie holes. The brunch was awesome! Tuna sashimi galore!!!! I believe we all had our bellies worth of grub!

With appetites satisfied, we returned our car and walked to the terminal.  We got to the airport a little after 2:30pm. The check-in was a breeze and we thought the custom search would be too. However, the local TSA agents scrutinized the heck out of Anna’s makeup bag. She had a neck wrap that caused quite a debate amongst five agents. They finally opted to let her keep it and allowed her to repack all the fluid and powered makeup packages.

Plane took off on time at 4:30pm and managed to land safely a little after 8pm. Brady picked up Olivia from the airport. He greeted her with a beautiful boutique of flowers. All safe and sound back at the house, everyone was happy to be back in their own beds.

It was a great trip and will definitely miss some of the things from the island!!

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