Saturday, April 13, 2019

Day 2 - Stingray City

The men of the family rose early this morning. Looking to conquer some sea monsters, LT was out on the water a little after six. Mama hung in bed for a couple more hours and Olivia said she wasn’t feeling good due to drinking the “local water”. Both Mama and I had a hefty internal chuckle, but Olivia truly did think that the tap water made her sick. She swore it could not have been the rum & cokes from the night before. Needless to say she slept in for several more hours.

Thomas and I both tried our hand at catching some fish from the shore, but only LT was the successor. He caught several blues, grunts and one jack. He kept one blue for bait to be used later. A little after 7:30am we both got in a kayak and paddled out towards the reef. We spent about an hour on the water before returning to house. Both of us were really hoping to get some good bites, but unfortunately we did not have any luck. Just as we arrived back at the house, so did Anna. She had gone to the store to get well need provisions.

At around 9am, LT, Anna and I had decided we should attempt to do Stingray City today. We couldn’t wait to go to Stingray City. Every place we looked at online prior to coming and reviews we read, all said that feeding the stingrays was their highlight of the trip. After reading all that, you kinda have-to get excited! We booked our trip for 1:30pm with Red Sail Adventure.

The new destination was Kaibo at Starfish Point. Any yes – Kaibo is a restaurant. What can I say, we were all pretty hungry, except maybe for Olivia. The key was to get some food on our bellies before heading out on the water. We ended up going out to Kaibo a little after 11am to give us  plenty of time to sit and enjoy lunch before heading out on the boat. While we waited for our grub, LT and I partook in some competitive table tennis. We had a grand time! Anna and LT also found an incredibility large starfish, just a little off the shore in about a foot of water. What an amazing creature!

With 30 minutes to spare we headed to Rum Point. It was the place where we were to go board the boat. Cool little place with several restaurants and gift shops near the boat dock. The boat we took out was a glass bottom boat. Not the kind I have ever been on, but great enough for the visitors to enjoy. We checked in, signed the waivers and made our way to the boat. The boat was full with around 20 people, along with the crew.

Stingray City was only about a fifteen minute boat ride. There were several boats out at the site along with multiple jetskis. However, it didn’t seem too crowded. Once everyone was in the water, the stingrays took all your attention and the people just seemed to fade away. They were a lot larger than anticipated and very gentle. These guys are feed daily by countless of tourists and it showed, as they looked very happy and hefty.

The crew let us hang with the rays for about 45 minutes, before heading back out for a 30 minute snorkel stop. The kids and I went out in the water, while mama stayed in the boat and took some pictures. Great little stop and end to the tour before heading back to the dock.

Famished, we decided to try the Australian restaurant, Tukka. We made a quick stop at the house and let everyone change into something dry. We were in and out pretty quickly, before heading to Tukka. Sat outside on the back patio with a beautiful view. Not but ten minutes after sitting down, the sous chef starting bringing out whole fish (tuna, red snapper, wahoo & mahi) and placing them in a cooler table right behind us. It was Fresh Fish Fridays. The local fisherman brought in their catch and it is put on special. I ended up going with the Wahoo, Anna and Olivia got a Caesar Salad, LT got an amazing seafood platter. LT’s was the best!!!

We came back home around 7pm and all of us hit the bed early.

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