Sunday, April 14, 2019

Day 3 – Finding of Nemo & Crystal Caves

LT fishing off a dock 50 yards from our place
I woke up early this morning at 4:30am to participate in a 5K race they were having in Georgetown. The race was initially suppose to start at 6am, but got moved to 6:30am. Seeing I had no idea where it was located and it was 30-40 minutes away, I headed out the door around 5:15am. Got there with plenty of time and managed to do the run in close to 26 minutes. The last mile is what caused the long time. The heat and humidity was crazy – nothing I am use to yet.

Managed to get back to the house just a few minutes before 8am. LT was on one of the docks fishing and the girls were out back in the loungers when I arrived. The ladies were soaking in the rays and trying to get a nice little base layer. We already felt a little sun burnt yesterday, so I was surprised to see them willing to take on the rays.

Lunch at Easgle Rays, a bar/grill in a dive centered resort
LT went snorkeling right out front of our property by a broken down dock. After five minutes out, he ask mama and I to come out and snorkel it with him. He said, “You won’t believe what is out there!” We tried to get him to tell us, but we had not luck. Snorkels on, we followed out. Before long, we saw a small sunken boat, along with 100’s of grunts, snappers, scorpion fish, and countless other species. He was right – what an awesome spot just footsteps from our back door. To add to the awesomeness, there was a large crab trap which strangely trapped about twenty or so French Grunts.

Anna snorkeled out a bit later. She stayed out for quite some time, until she somehow managed to back into one of the dock pillars. The pillars had coral on it that had some irritant on it, because she quickly came out of the water with a badly redden back. Anna was in pain and her back was on fire. We did our best to wash off her back, put some medicine on it and she then iced it down. There wasn't too much movement by Anna for the next couple of hours. The rest of us just hung around the house and chilled while Anna was healing.

Around noon we all headed to a restaurant I saw a few days ago call Eagle Rays Grill. It is owned by the same people that owned Tukka, where we ate the other night. Eagle Rays is a restaurant situated above a dive shop overlooking the ocean. And what a beautiful view it is! The blueness of the water never translates bright enough in a picture. They had a great menu and we all enjoyed our meal. LT has Lionfish tacos, Olivia has a Caesar salad with a marinara pasta, Anna had a jerk chicken quesadilla and I had lobster.

Looking at the clan eating lunch on top at Eagle Ray's Grill
Anna was still feeling the heat and irritation from the sting earlier, so we dropped her back at the house. The kids and I headed to the Crystal Caves. We rolled up and thought we could simply go in but that was not the case. They offered tours and the next one was going to be at 3pm. We had about 50 minutes to spare so we headed down the road a few miles to the Mastic Trail for a brief nature walk.

Crystal cave tour was 1.5 hours and it took us through three caves. None of them were very deep nor large. Jermaine our tour guide did a great job in educating us all on the different features and formations in the cave. The kids and I had a really good time – we only wished we could have done a little splunking ourselves.

Hard to tell but the ceiling above is littered with bats
Got back to the house around 5pm. Anna has been laying down while we were gone and had gotten up about 30 minutes before we got back. She was definitely feeling a lot better. The discussions of dinner surfaced and LT said he was planning on grabbing some of the fish we saw earlier in the day. The crab trap was brimming with fish and it seemed some of them would be on our plates today. LT and I wrestled the trap near the shore and LT grabbed four grunts and one gray snapper out for dinner. After we got the fish out, the both of us swam the trap back to where we found it.

Thomas hoping to get dripped on for luck and Olivia seeing "What?"
LT cleaned the fish while mama ran to the store to get some rice and spinach. Thirty minutes later as Chef Emril would say – BAMM! Dinner was the best we have had on the island! Bellies full and eyes heavy we spent the rest of the evening relaxing and watching a bit of TV.

Crystal Caverns - Standing in the Lake Cave

Chef Thomas standing over his yummy prepped meal!

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