Friday, July 12, 2019

Day 14 - Neptune on our own

The day was definitely a down day. All the family was gone and we awoke pretty slowly. I got out on the bike around 8:30am after getting motivated by watching the Tour.

Anna went into town to go see Buffy and Aunt Carla. She went to see them to see about getting her hair cut and colored. Needless to say, the star from out of town got the royal treatment. I had not seen Anna with her hair that short, but it looks great. Even got a little splash of purple on one side of her hair to add some flare.

When Anna made it back, LT and I headed to Lover’s Key and fished for the rest of the day. It rained sporadically all day with occasional down pours. We tried really really hard to catch something besides bait, but that was just not in the cards. Thomas had a few hits that stripped his bait, but was never able to hook up.
LT is off in the distance fishing in the flats.It was only about a foot deep in most of the bay.
Anna and I did dinner at Charley’s Boat House restaurant. They had Elk racklettes for special with Anna had and I went with the salad bar. Figured I hadn’t really had any greens for most of the trip, so I was due for some. Brought back some lobster bisque, salad and cheeseburgers back for the kids.

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