Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Day 5 - The Parents are Coming

I slept in a bit today until 6:30am and decided to lay in bed until 7am before throwing on some cycle gear and heading out the door. I rode the same ride I did the day prior to Duck Key. My body was running somewhat slower today, either due to the food, beer or numerous junk that went in my pie hole yesterday. I returned to the house around 8:30am.

The Fam was all up except for Olivia when I got back. She wasn’t feeling too good, so we just let her sleep. LT and I got on the kayaks right away. We paddled down our channel and out to a bay where we beached our kayaks. We hopped out and LT tried to cast net for some pin fish in a channeled pond right near where we beached the kayaks. He managed to get a few mullets and a couple of elephant fish. He and I fished the pond with some artificals but were not able to get any fish.

When we returned we were greeted by Nana and Grandpa. They arrived here around 10am. We hung at the house for the next hour or so before heading to lunch at Sparky’s Landing. Grandpa stayed at home and took a nap while we munched out. After lunch we came back home and played with the manatees. There was a mother and calf that we splashed throughout day with the hose. Amazing creatures which were ever so happy to get water sprayed into their mouths.

The rest of the day was spent playing in the pool and fishing from the dock. The ladies made fish tacos for dinner, along with corn of the cob and some Asian salad. None of us managed to last too long and everyone was a sleep by 10:30pm.

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