Monday, July 15, 2019

Day 17 – Homosassa Springs State Park and the newcastle

Woke up in our one nighter house this morning. The place I rented was to be on the water, but it happened to be that it was located several hundred yards from a channel. So needless to say we were not too happy and I had no intentions of staying there. I managed to get another rental yesterday, but would not be able to get into the place until today at 4pm.

I tried to get everyone up and moving at 9am. That was a little harder than expected. Anna, Amanda, Olivia and LT stayed up pretty late last night, so they were very content with sleeping in. The goal was to head out of the door by 9:30am hit Grannies Country Kitchen and then go to Homosassa Springs State Park. We managed to get out to Grannies at by 10:30 and powered down a super delicious southern style breakfast.

Enter the park at 11:30am. They take patrons on a boat ride from the park entrance to the ticket office. We could have also taken the tram, but the boat was definitely more enjoyable. Several years back when we were here, we went to the park and it rained on us the entire time. This time we were looking forward to going through the park without have to avoid raindrops. Lou the hippo, the three resident mantanees, all the alligators and countless other creature were on display. Unfortunately most of the aviary enclosures were closed due to construction.

Headed out back to the place at 1:30pm to pack up our stuff and head to the new place. Didn’t take long and we were packed and on our way. Got to the house but the cleaning was not done yet. Nevin Jenkins the owner of the house was there helping the cleaner. He allowed us to be out back while they finished cleaning the house and property. Beautiful place!! All kinds of whistles and bells.

The kids, along with Anna and Amanda, took the kayaks out on the water while I stayed and spoke with Nevin. A very interesting man who has quite a colorful past and an artist family heritage. Nevin is an inventor and patented the “Help. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” device that is used in all senior care facilities and by elderly people now. He just came up with Seasoning Stik, which are flavored spice sticks used to infuse meats and vegetables for cooking.

Amanda left a little after 5pm and we spent the rest of the evening enjoying the back yard and water. I could definitely get use to this.

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