Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 12 - Chillin'at P'Fino's

In front of the resort, Seaweed - Came in
droves over the night.

Young Master Schiffers enjoying the view!
Got up at 6am this morning and went down to the Parrot Green Bar for coffee and a bagel. Kids slept until 9am when I went in their room to wake up Thomas. I ended up having him ride a bike with me to a resort up the beach about a mile up that has a trampoline out in the water.

As we got outside we notice the seaweed came in a mass amount throughout the night. Luckily we did not need to clean that up. For the rest of the day we simply relaxed and got in some massages, fishing and general lounging, as the next day would be a long day.

One of the local here on Ambergris - Not very talkative though

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