Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 7 - Venturing beyond Portofinos

Mo was set out to take the shuttle early this morning at 6am. Thomas and I decided to catch a ride. I wanted to get into town so I could stop by the ATM and also Captain Sharks. The “Reeling Duo” needed some fishing provisions as we had leaders that had been stripped by barracudas and rocks, hooks lost, bent and snapped of the lines, weights undersized, and wanted to make sure we weren’t missing anything. We got into San Pedro, hit the ATM machine and quickly found some breakfast. We actually went to three different places and had something at each. Call it a breakfast appetizer. We managed to go to Vero’s Café (Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Fanta), Celcia’s Café (Mayan Burrito, Cheesecake & Coffee) and finally Lattitude’s Café (Strawberry & Banana Smoothie, Belikin).

Captain Sharks was not going to open until 8am, so we hung out at Lattitude’s Café until 7:40am and then ventured on over to the tackle store. We shopped around and managed to purchase probably more than we needed and then quickly made our way back to Coastal Express, the water taxi service which was to take us back to Portfino’s at 8:30am. Coastal Express is the water taxi and ferry service which the locals take. I was now the official taxi service for the Schiffers. Far cheaper than the others and it ran every hour on the halves.
We got home around 8:50am and hit the dock strong. We had met a couple a day earlier from Texas, Justin and Bree. Justin joined us on the dock and had his first fishing experience. Bree, Olivia and Anna hung out on the dock – sunning & chatting.

The kids were done with the heat and decide to stay in the villa, while Anna and I strolled down the beach towards San Pedro. The beach strand is made up of a compilation of resorts, private homes and empty or deserted properties. It’s quite mind boggling how you go from one really nice resort and ten feet later you are walking by a should I say “not so nice” place. After about 20 minutes we landed at Matachica Resort & Spa. Matachica is a honeymooners resort. We stopped in the main building in the bar and had several drinks. Ghost town! They claimed ever couple was in their bungalow making babies, but I didn’t hear any screaming. After a minute or two we figured we would at least see a couple of people.

Took some pictures of the property’s local flora, paid the tab and walked down about 100 yards or so to Rojo Beach Bar. Nice place. Had an amazing infinity pool along with some nice lounging areas. We will definitely venture there again.

Headed back to resort and met Thomas along the way at around 5:45pm. He was heading up to one of the docks to cast his net. Since it starts to get dark here around 6pm I asked him to make his way back shortly.

Spent the rest of the evening fishing by the dock and lounging around. What a tough day!! We were exhausted. Turned in around 8:30 and called it a day!

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