Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 3 – Back to the Resort After Fishing

Left-Anthony - Right-D (Captian)
Today’s fishing guide was “D”, his deck hand was Anthony (17). We headed out a little after 9am and stopped first in San Pedro on one of the channels at a local gas station to get some ice, beer and drinks for the day. Next stop was to be the island next to Leonardo Caprio’s island. I believe it was called Isle Blaco. There we were to stop for barracuda. They were to be plentiful and a common hang out for the old cudas. There must have been a cuda convention up the Yucatan Pennisula near Mexico, because the cudas were few and far between. No big deal. Simply off to the next honey hole.

On one of the channels on the back side of San Pedro
 We headed back towards the mainland and stopped to troll with some sardines. We switched lures on the casting rods and attempted to reel in the days catch again. Suddenly a strike on one of the trolling lines. Young Schiffers popped the boat cherry today and wrangled in a barracuda. A good start for lunch!

D kept moving all over the seashore line and we fished and casted for the next several hours until I spotted some permits. Permits are seasonal, very elusive and consider a trophy catch even to the locals. It seemed like I was in slow motion. I got off the front of the boat and grabbed one of my fly rods. The school passed us and I worked to get the fly rod up, out and ready for casting. Back on the front of the boat now. Permits? Where did they go? GONE! Just as fast as they came, they went. The shine that allowed me to spot them was no more. We putted around the area for about 15-20 minutes to see if any of us could spot them again. No luck.

D made way to one of the beaches and prepared lunch from the fresh catch of the morning. The kids got in the water and snorkeled with Anna. I walked up the beach to one of the flats to make an attempt at some bonefish. The flats there were mainly sand with no weeds so for me it was more of fly practice than fly attempt. I managed to spot one bonefish, but he did not seem to like what I was offering him. Since he ignored me, I headed back to the kids and we all had a fabulous lunch. The guys did a superb job.

Lunch - Barracuda
After lunch we started to may our way back towards the resorts fished several other places. The last stop we anchored out near the reef and just dropped bait. As you can imagine the reef is plentiful, so we were getting strikes continuously. Thomas and I caught five different species of Snapper – Lane, Mutten, Yellowtail, Gray and School Teacher. Not sure how the one got the name School Teacher, but will definitely research that one and get back everyone.

Finally at about 4:45pm we arrived back to Portofino Beach Resort. Everyone pitched in and helped empty and clean the boat. Anna and the kids gave our afternoon catch to one of the local groundskeeper. He was very appreciative. I pack muled everything back to the room and then headed back to the dock to settle up with D and toast to a successful day.

What looks to be a shameless Cheetos Promotion
Thomas and I stayed on the dock to fish a little more with the remainder sardines we had. Second drop and BAM – Thomas snagged a gorgeous Mutten Snapper! This one was to be his dinner. Yummy! D was still there at the dock so he was kind enough to cut, gut and prepare the fish. Anna took it up to the kitchen and had them hold it until dinner. 

Grey Mutten - Thomas' soon to be dinner
I fished with Thomas for about another hour on the dock. We were pulling them out of the water repeatedly. During the reelings, we managed to see a leopard ray, a moray eel and a 3-3.5ft nurse shark come up under the dock. How cool is that we told each other.

Just seconds away from hitting the guy. I couldn't wait to taste!
Eventually it turned dark and I called it a day. I went up to the Green Bar where Anna was sitting with Sandra and Jans, the owners of the Portofino. We would spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing with both of them. All of us managed to grab a bite of something, but the prize was to be Thomas’ snapper. And, yes, it was delicious!

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