Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 6 - A Little Bit of This - A Little Bit of That

Early morning venture out to the reef.

We have been going strong and fast at doing absolutely nothing for the last several days, so we decided to make today more of a rest day. 

Fruit of the Palm tree.
After breakfast Thomas and I headed on a kayak out to the reef to see if we could catch some local wild life. Unfortunately we were not too successful. We were really hoping to catch some large snappers or maybe even a small bluefin tuna. Known to be hanging out by the reef we both figured we would at least catch one, maybe even a trigger fish or two.....Absolutely nothing...Oh well. We'll try again another day.

The rest of the early afternoon we swam, fished and generally mac'd out!!

Anna cutting some jokes and rum with Anthony.
Towards the end of the day at around 3pm I had Roberto, owner of Active Divers, take us out by the reef and drop bait. It was only Thomas and I that went out. It wasn't too choppy, but we still had around 4-6 foot swells on the back side of the reef. We dropped some sardines in the first stop hoping to snag a Queen Trigger, but instead I was able to wrangle in a couple of Yellowtail Snappers. Next, I had a Slippery Dick on the line. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the fish. Not one you want to eat, plus it has some pretty pointy spines that you do not want to mess with. We unhooked it and quickly threw it back so we could go for more snappers. 

As we like to call it in Belize .... Dinner!!

Clinton cleaning the fish.
Thomas hooked two small Cherry Groupers and then caught a "Big Daddy Cherry Grouper". The young the Cherry Groupers have a vibrant red coloration and spotted with the most beautiful design. As they age the redness turns brownish. An amazing creature to see both in and out of the water. The "Big Daddy" one Thomas caught was to be had for dinner along with all the Yellowtail Snappers we caught.

Thomas with one of his prize catches.
We made it back to the dock about 6:30pm and had the chef prepare the fish into three meals and one appetizer. He prepared the dinners in two different ways. Maybe it was because it was caught by us, but this was one of the best dinners we had since the night prior (haha..)

Coming in at sunset back to Portofino's.
For the remainder of the evening we just lounged and everyone pretty much turned in to bed early.

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