Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 2 - Just starting to get settled in!

Cherry Snapper ~ 2 lbs.
The bright sun light was piercing through the window this morning as I opened my eyes. It seemed as if it was about 8:30am based on the strength of the sunlight. That and we did lose two hours due to the time change. Add in the traveling and tiredness ….yeah it seemed like 8:30-9am. WRONG… It was 5:12am. I had to do a double take on my watch. Yup…5:12am. Apparently the sun starts to come up around 4:30am this time of year here. My kind a place!!! Unfortunately, that means the sun goes down pretty early. Like … 6:30pm early!

The Queen taking in some shut-eye!.
Everyone was still deep asleep, so I grabbed a pole and wandered down to the pier. I threw out a hook and landed a grunt within a couple of seconds. Awesome, I thought. Threw the fish back and casted again. BAM! Another grunt within a couple of seconds. Grunts put up a great little fight, but they are not really what I was interested in catching today. I pitched the grunt back in the water and re-thought the hook to lure dilemma. 

Thomas & Alexander with a recent catch.

Yo Zuri lure was the choice. The Yo-Zuri shiny minnow I chose was about three inches long, so the grunts wanedt nothing to do with it. However, it is quite an appealing sight to the local Cherry Snapper population (along with the rest of the snapper types). Within a couple of minutes I landed a nice one. Wish I would have kept it for breakfast, but he managed to talk me off the ledge of hunger.
Smaller Marble Grouper.

Thomas ended up coming down to the beach about 8:30am. He was smiling from ear to ear ready to see what world records could potentially be shattered today. I couldn't wait to see them get demolished!!! I fished with Thomas for about an hour until Anna came down to the main lodge where we sat and had breakfast. During breakfast, a young boy, Alexander introduced himself to Thomas and they quickly tooled around together. Alexander was the son of the owner. Needless to say, he knew where everything was. 
The girls catching some downtime on the loungers.

The boys spent the morning simply fishing around the resort. Olivia slept in and came down to the pool area around 9:45am. I sat and had breakfast (#2) with her and afterwards she ended up laying in the hammock with Mama for a bit. 

While the ladies took on the difficulty of napping and relaxation, Young Master Schiffers managed to rustle in a couple of marble groupers, barracuda, countless grunts (30+), baby tarpon, skip jack and several other fish species. 

Lobster for Dinner with Potato.
We all took it easy for the remainder of the day and met several nice couples. We meandered down the beach a bit, both ways. Just seeing what might lie beyond the boundaries of the resort. With that said...we did not make it that far. We opted to stay on/near the grounds today. 

As like all vacations, the day went by fast.  Before we knew it, the sun was starting to set. It seemed we did quite a bit for doing a whole bunch of nothing. I guess that is what your suppose to be doing on vacation. 

We head to the room to drop off a few things and freshen up. Thomas and I went back down to the dock for a bit and then met the girls at the restaurant. Dinner was wonderful...again! This place does a fabulous job with their food! Anna and Olivia had a Angel Hair Pasta dish with shrimp. Thomas had a lobster bisque and I had the Lobster. 

We all called it quits after dinner and started the wind down process pretty quickly. Olivia and Thomas were both out at 8:30pm. Anna wasn't too far behind. Snoring began around 9:40pm. 

Tomorrow we head out at 9am for a full day of flats fishing, snorkeling and shelling!!

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