Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 8 - Dive, Dive, Dive

Today was our first day of diving. I woke early this morning, grabbed a cup of Joe and headed down to the dock at 7am to speak with Roberto, owner of Action Divers. I arranged a dive for Olivia, Thomas and I for 10am this morning. They had the time slot open and it seemed to not be a problem, until we noticed a storm starting to roll in around 8am. It came quick and dump down on us for about 10 minutes. After that, there was no more rain but the winds were still strong and skies we still rumbling, so we thought it best to post-pone the dive until 11:30am.
A Southern Stingray swimming a couple of feet beneath us. He had about a 4ft, wingspan. 

Roberto and Anthony took us out to Mexico Rocks. It was located on the inside of the reef. Not too far out from the resort and a beautiful reef with some amazing sea life. Our favorite was a turtle the locals called "Tequilla".

Once we rolled out of the boat, we were all immersed in some unbelievable aquatic life. The pictures really don’t do it justice. We thought that the rains would have potentially stirred up the waters some, but it was extremely clear.  The coral cropings were covered with an abundance of sea fans, coral columns, coral brains and multiple sea life I had not ever seen before. Fish were everywhere. Now if they would have just stood still so I could have taken a couple of portraits.
Olivia snapping a couple of pics of "Tequilla", the local sea turtle.

We all three pretty much stayed together for the entire dive and each of us managed to point out creatures to one another repeatedly. We saw sea turtles, southern stingrays, a nurse shark a reef shark and hundreds of different fish and coral species. Some of the smaller creatures seemed to have the most colors and wildest body shapes.

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Thomas with the local wildlife!
Up close picture of a brain coral
 I do not believe any of us wanted to terminate the dive, but eventually one does run out of air in the tank. Fortunately that did not happened. We did end up diving the site though for about an hour. Everyone is excited to see more on our next dive.

Now I know everyone is thinking…hey Anna didn’t go on the dive with you? Nope…She was fully immersed back on land getting a full body massage. 


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