Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Day 14 - Out with Maui Dreams (Maui Diamond Scuba Charter)

Yesterday was Daddy-Daughter day. Olivia and I went out this morning with Maui Dreams out of Lahaina Harbor. When I made the reservation, I thought the scuba trip would leave out of the boat landing near our condo – I was mistaken. Lahaina Harbor is about 30 minutes away, which would not be that big of a deal, but we had to check in this morning at 6:15am. We left the house at 5:30am and Olivia was a trooper getting up with zero complaints.

Mama drove us down to harbor and Olivia & I hopped into the general store for a quick smoothie and coffee. Strolled back to the boat and off we went. The crew on board was great. Our group was lead by Kim, a vivacious young lady who was very knowledgeable about the local aquatic life. There were six of us in her group and we were in the water first for our first dive.

It is such a great feeling to be down in the water and submersed with the marine life. The abundance of life in the coral reefs and in the ocean has always amazed me. From the largest fish to the tiniest one, to the corals and other sea creatures, there is always plenty to see. Olivia and I were the last ones back up to the boat with our dive lasting a little over 45 minutes.

On the second dive I could not get my mask cleared for the life of me, due to the mustache. I had a problem with it during the last ten minutes of the first dive. I opted after five minutes to call it quits and informed the Divemaster I was going to the surface and told her to buddy up with Olivia. Olivia ended up enjoying the dive up to the end when she got water in her eardrum and could equalize. She came up a little before the others.

We were all done somewhat tired on the way back to the harbor. Once we got back we looked for Anna, but she had not left Kihei yet, so we stop in at the harbor restaurant, Beach Bums. Not where we wanted to eat, but a good place to grab a beer. Anna came a little after and the three of us went to a restaurant called Nulas. YUMMY!!!

Got home, napped and chilled the remainder of the day. LT and I end up going out in the evening to Sanseis (sushi) and yes it was YUMMY too! Anna and Olivia went to sleep.

Scuba Diving today but had nothing but videos. I will be updating this in the upcoming days. I did manage to take one picture on the GoPro on the way out.

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