Thursday, July 12, 2018

Day 16 - Sleeping In

I must say we all have gotten quite a bit of rays from goddess Iris over the last two weeks. Early morning rises over the past few days and moving & shaking had rewarded us with sleeping in a bit 'til 7am. No plans were made, but to try and get a bit of snorkeling and some fishing in.

As the kids awoke, we planned to back to Hookapi Beach. Knowing we only had a day left, we all wanted to take advantage of the sun and water. Instead of breakfast at a restaurant, we stop at a local speciality store in Paia and grabbed some salads, snacks and Ahi.  Food, food and more food would start the theme of the day. At the gate of Hookapi beach was a fruit vendor and Anna purchased a fresh pineapple (which the vendor cut), a coconut (also cut by the vendor) and a Soursop, a fruit I had never heard of. I for some reason did not try it, but Anna enjoyed.

Anna, LT and I all spent time snorkeling and enjoyed watching the abundant sea turtles grazing on the sea grasses. We also saw eels, crabs, slugs, a crazy amount of sea cucumbers, I am constantly amazed at the varieties of fish and diversity of sea life. What a wonderful place many people never are truly able to appreciate.

Around lunch time we headed back to Charley's, where we ate at the other day in Paia. We learned from the hostess that Willie Nelson comes to Charley's often due to the owner. They apparently have been very close friends since the '60s. Olivia had a  BBQ pork sandwich here the other day with goat cheese made by the Surfing Goat farm, that she really enjoyed. She encouraged me to have one and I did. It was quite delicious! The pounds just keep adding on and I feel we will need to ride a thousand miles just to loose the weight I put on on this vacation. Oh well - no worries for now!

The rest of the day was taken up by bumming around and giving our epidermises a rest from the sun. Olivia and I rode down to Kam III park to watch the sunset. The rest of the troop decided to stay in and chill. Everyone was a bit spent from the last several days and bedtime came pretty early for all of us.

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