Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 8 - Paia & Makena State Park

The helicopter ride was done and over by 9am, so we still had an entire day of  fun in the sun. We left the heliport and headed to Paia, the small town that marks the start to the Road to Hana. It's a cute little town with shops and restaurants. Our bellies were a bit hungry and were calling for some breakfast after the aerial flight. After a few shops and some inquisitiveness by Anna, we chose Charley's. The food was bangin'! Definitely some good local food!

Now that the troops were back at full capacity, we hit a couple of the local shops before heading back towards the condo. On the way, we stopped at the bird wildlife sanctuary and checked out some of local feathery friends. It was a massive park, but only a small portion that visitors could get to. We hung around for about 15 minutes and returned to the condo to get ready for the beach.

Makena State Park was a park that Olivia and I passed by the other day and we wanted to show it to Anna and LT. The park is located close to the very southend of the island. Waves were big and thundering very close to the shore. LT, however, was not afraid to brave the waters. He stayed in the water and buggy boarded and swam out there for well over an hour.

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