Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 6 - Exploring Hana

The road to Hana takes some time to get to and go from. Hana, the town, itself is pretty small and I doubt has a population greater than a thousand. So you can tour it relatively quickly. It has but a few restaurants (3) to eat at, also a handful of food trucks and BBQ & Local stands, two general stores, no gas station, post office, school, community center and a whole lot of rentals!!!

After visiting the park, we went back to our room at Traavasa, collected our things and headed down the Hana Highway. Today's goal was to see as many waterfalls as possible and stop at some of the places we missed on the way in. The parking along the highway is typically sparse, so sometimes you have to walk  quite a distance from your car to get where you want to go. Most locations may have enough parking for two or three cars, so you either walk or hope to get luckily.
Fortunately for us, we have Schiffers luck, so were usually got a spot.

First stop down the road though was Hana Lava Tube. It was a neat place which allowed you to explore a quarter mile underground lava tube. We went maybe 60 feet down in a cavernous tunnel created by an ancient lava flow. Very unique and definitely educational. Made you very happy it was cooled and no lava was flowing. One strange oddity the lava tube had, was a flat worm called a Rappelling Planarian. The head looked like a hammerhead shark.

At mile marker 28 we stopped at a group of shacks that not only had several food vendors, but also a couple of shops. One shop had some awesome local artisan pieces which were gorgeous. I regrettably did not buy any of the artwork, jewelry or knick-knacks.

Anna was smart enough to make us stop at Coconut Glen's Ice Cream shack. I think you get the picture. And yes - it was freaking good!

We managed to hit several nice waterfall locations and one where LT and I got out, jumped of the falls and did some swimming. I know we missed a few, but all in all we pretty much hit the main ones we could get to from the road. There were several that had somewhat of a hike which we did not do, but might come back to in a week or so.

Eventually we made it back home around 6pm and everyone was ready to chill.

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