We debated leaving the resort today due to the 9km drive back to the main road. It's not bad, just bumpy. Adventure prevailed and we were off at around 1:3opm down the mountain.
La Fortuna is a small town. It seems to be epicenter of all culinary cuisines, entertainment and shops of all flavors within 50 miles. Anna took a picture of a local merchant selling his wares out of the back of his truck. We had to take a picture. The kids entered a wood shop filled with all kinds of beautiful wood carving. Thomas and Olivia giggled quite a while at some of the statues. As you can tell Thomas really took a fondnest to his statue.
It was getting to be around 5pm, so we decided to head back up to the lodge before it got dark. Took a slight break in the room as the kids wrote in their journals. Before we called it a night, the kids and I ventured out one last time in the dark of the night. We outfitted ourselves with Petzls and jackets and headed out the door. Olivia ran across a stick bug which Thomas had to touch. As it crawled onto his hand, it proceeded up his arm. Thomas' reaction was not as quick as the stick bugs. It managed to crawl on his back and slowly journeyed onto Thomas's head. Since Thomas was wearing a hooded jacket he was unaware and kept asking Olivia and I where it was. We just laughed. Then the stick bug decided to get on HIS FACE..IN DA FACE. IN...DA...FACE. I wish I could have gotten a picture.
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