Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 8 - Onto the Bakery

Anna made spaghetti sauce earlier this morning. So all we needed now was the pasta and some bread. Pasta is covered, but we we’re lacking the bread. Luckily, there is a bakery down the road. We meet but also a piece of chocolate cake. For the kids, of course. We decided to eat the cake at the bakery. She seated us at a table in the back of the bakery outside. Quaint spot with about 3 tables. The cake was the BOMB!!! I am not a big chocolate cake fan, but this would definitely convert me.
After demolishing the cake we headed down the road to where the local fishermen sell their catch. There is a small island across the beach that has a cemetery on it. When the tide is low you can venture out and walk over to it. Low tide here is around 5pm. We managed to make it this evening. The walk across to the island was awesome. The kids thought it was pretty awesome as well. Olivia was a little wigged out thinking the tide may come back in before we managed to get back across.
Many of the locals  view the cemetery as a very spiritual place. We tried to treat it with respect as well. If I had to be buried somewhere, this would not be a bad place to reside. It is quiet, serene and peaceful on the island. We will definitely come back at sunrise and enjoy much more time here.

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