Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1 - We Finally Made It!!!

It has been a long time coming, but we finally made it. Awoke to the sounds of a bird that little Thomas describes as fireworks this morning.

We got up early yesterday morning and were shuttled with our 200 pounds of provisions by Oma and Opa to the airport. Once we arrived we quickly handed over the bags to the next pack mule and grabbed our tickets. Now with a rush of excitement we hunted down the TSA officer at security and threaten her with a large smile. Luckily she proceeded to let us through. The kids were so giddy. We found a spot to hunker down for the next two hours until the plane was to wisk us away to the promised land. We boarded only to find the plan ride to be quick and uneventful.

Arrived at San Jose Airport under a blanket of bland greyish clouds. Slowly rolled up to the gate and final put the DC-10 in park. It seemed to take forever to get out of that blasted tin can, but finally everyone started moving. Everyone was smiling from head to toe. All we needed to deal with now was immigration and that would be quick. So we thought. As we descended down the escalator, our mouths dropped opened to see a panoramic view of what seemed to be a 50,000 sq. ft. room filled with 1000 people. We were to be at the very very end. This was going to take a while. I went back up the escalator and grab two coffees and a water. When I got back to Anna and the kids, the line looked the same. It didn't move. We both looked at each other and told the kids it would be a while. Just then an immigration officer called out to me and pointed me in the direction of a hallway that had no one in it. To our surprise it took us to a immigation both that quickly put us to position #2 in line. I can only equated it to beauty of my wife and children that must have mesmorized the officer. We looked back at the 998 people and just thought, "WOW!". How the heck did this just happen? Good for us, bad for them.

On to the car rental. Got a Toyota RAV4. Nice ride. GPS works. Full tank. We're off to Arenal!!!

We drive up 40 minutes on CA1 onto San Ramon. We stop at Scotia Banco to trade in mula. Exchange rate is 501 to $1. At the airport it was 442 to $1. What a service charge! I'm in the wrong business. After we exchange our life's savings of $320, we head across the street to the local Soda (restaurant) and have our first official Costa Rican meal. MMM....Delicious. The Imperial beer(s) wasn't too bad either. Did I mention, that the beer was good?

It's now around 5pm local time. Back in the car and away we go. Roads we rather good. I would have thought otherwise by what I heard from everyone. We drove for a hour and it started to get dark. Stopped somewhere at a MalAlpis (Grocery store) for some toiletries, water, and some Imperial beer. I did say the beer was good earlier, right. It was getting dark now. The drive took an additional two hours, but we finally arrived a the Arenal Observatory Lodge in the dark of night. We checked in, parked the car, and went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Great detail of your trip down. Glad you made it safe and had no problems along the way. Uncle Sean.
