Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Day 1 – Pura Vida Here We Come

There are not too many things that can excite you like knowing you are getting ready to head out to a paradise location like Costa Rica! This morning we set out to the airport at 5am. Met Ashley there near the ticket counter and slowly made our way to the gate, before eventually boarding a little before 7am. We had a layover in Miami, which wasn’t too long, and eventually landed in San Jose.

Upon arrival, we encountered the immigration line and it was long. It took us at least an hour to get through it. Let me say though, it seemed to be far longer than an hour. Finally made it through the cattle line and all the excitement really started to kick in. We rented a van through Economy. The car rental place was off-site away from the airport. The drive there was quick, but the rental process was anything but. It took more than an hour to get the van on the road. When I first rented the van, I thought a 12 passenger van would be adequate for 5 people, luggage, and a pair of bikes. However, we couldn’t even fit the bike bags in the back. Change of plans. We have the rental company remove the back seat so it would give us a little more room.

Off to Jaco (sounds like Hawk-O). Our drive probably took us about 2 hours. The roads were much improved since last we drove them. A lot of the infrastructure had been upgraded over the past ten years and we were very happy to be driving on the pavement as opposed to gravel or mud. We stopped about 15 miles outside of Jaco at a convenience store and grabbed some drinks and a bag of chips. Since we really hadn’t eaten all day, all of us were starving.

Tonight we were staying at the Marriott Resort Los Suenos in Jaco. All we could do was park the car, unload the bags in the room, and off to the restaurant. Everything on the menu sounds so good. The restaurant was located on the property, just a few steps from our room – Haciendo Kitchen. Ashley and I each ordered an appetizer – Tuna Carpapito and Shrimp. The apps didn’t last long. Ashley ordered a beef tenderloin, Anna got a salad along with a Beef carpaccio and I order the Tuna. All of it was super yummy.

With bellies full, we headed to the bar. It was the brilliance or so thought to start drinking Grey Goose and Red Bulls. Wow!! I think we had about four rounds of those along with several additional beers. I believe we were all in bed no later than 9:30pm.

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