Monday, November 8, 2021

Day 7 – Leaving Monteverde – Peace Lodge Here We Come!

We all managed to get up early this morning as usual. At 5:02am I thought, let me call the kids. Right now they should be at the airport and hopefully through TSA. In Charlotte, it was 6:02am and the flight was departing at 7:17am. Olivia answered the phone. “Good morning sweetie”, I said, “How was check-in?” She responded, “ We are almost at the airport.” As you can imagine, I was very nervous and thought for sure they would miss the flight. Luckily they didn’t. They barely made the plane.

After breakfast, Ashley and I packed the bikes in the van and headed back to the room to finish packing and freshen up. We told all the newly made friends goodbye and started making our way to Vara Blanca. It was a 3-hour drive to the Peace Lodge. Happy we made it. Finally got to the lodge about 1pm. The room was not ready yet when we got here, so Ashley and I walked the grounds and looked around for a bit, while Anna stayed in the car and took a catnap. She wasn’t feeling good, being nervous and anxious for the kid's arrival. A little before 3pm the room was ready and we quickly piled in.

Now, we were just waiting for the kids. We all relaxed in the room on the back porch. Hilariously enough, Ashley actually got shit on by a passing bird. I told him it would bring him seven days of luck.

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