Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Day 8 – First Day with the Kids

We woke up to rain. When I say rain, I mean it rained all day. But, a few rain showers were not going to stop the Schiffers from exploring! We all got up pretty early and headed down to breakfast and crushed some awesome Costa Rican grub. With bellies full, we decided to go venture into all the different areas of the park.

We managed to get our hands on some umbrellas and Anna, Olivia, and I ended up buying some rain jackets from the gift shop and then made our way to the animals. It’s truly amazing seeing all these beautiful creatures close up. Anna hadn’t gone down to some of the enclosures, so it was the first time she saw some of them since arriving. The bird aviary is always one of my favorites, but we hit the butterfly garden, monkeys, jungle cats, frog sanctuary, snake room, and the local critters.

The kids, Ashley, and I headed down to the waterfalls and venture around them for about an hour before heading back to the room. Once we got back to the room around noontime it was raining so hard we decided to take the rest of the day and hang inside. Ashley surprised us with a DVD of the Hangover, which we all cried laughing during the entire movie. I headed to the store and got us some Caciqui Supreme Sugar Cane Liquor. We mixed it will San Pellegrino drinks and cleaned that bottle quickly. Time for another run. We managed to drink three bottles and had an amazing remainder of the day. Near evening, we popped in a DVD of Animal House and finished off the day.

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