Thursday, November 4, 2021

Day 2 - On to Cabuya

 Eventually, the two beauties awoke, after I woke them. They rose from their slumber around 7am. Part of our travel today was getting on a car ferry. It runs about every two hours and the trip time is a little over an hour and forty-five minutes. The goal was to get on the 10am ferry. Anna and Ashley joined me for some breakfast and then packed for Calala. Somewhere between the packing and going back and forth to the car I lost the car keys. Frustrated and what seemed to be a man pacing from the car back to the room, I finally found them in the suitcase. Off to Puntarenas.

10am was the goal and we missed it like a bad soccer corner kick. We tried to believe on the way to the ferry, Waves kept telling us we would arrive at 10:01. Knowing the laxed views Costa Ricans have on time, I figured we might just make. When we got to the gate at the ferry dock the man simply waved me away – We are full! Oh well, we thought – next ferry would come at 12:30.

After several Imperials and sweating in the hot Rican sun, we eventually got the van on the ferry and found a spot for us to sit on the top deck and enjoy the views. We spent the better part of the next two hours yammering away while watching Ashley drink San of Son IPA – he was happy it wasn’t Imperial. Time passed pretty quickly and before we knew it, we were at the Parque port.

Last little hour left on the road to Cabuya, we noticed that the majority was all paved. How wonderful was that? The last time we were here, every bit of the roads we drove on outside of San Jose, were gravel. We rolled into Calala Lodge a little after 4pm. We unloaded the car and quickly went to order food. We were all pretty famished. The young man at the resort set a table placement for us out next to the beach. The food was quick delicious. With beer and food in our bellies, we called it a night around 7pm.

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