Sunday, November 14, 2021

Day 12 – 1st Full Day at Chachagua

Mama and I got up early and walked the trails this morning. The resort had some awesome primitive trails which circled the property. We watched the toucans (Chestnut Mandibles) play in the trees for a while. The birds have such vibrant colors and are very voicetrous! When we got back to the room, Thomas, Mama, and I headed to the restaurant for some breakfast. Olivia was still sleeping. Breakfast was included and I believe the cheapest meal we have had here since arriving.

When I was at the front desk earlier, I noticed they had some fishing poles leaning up in the corner. Feeling empowered with all that yummy Tico breakfast, LT and I decided to go try our luck. We grab the fishing poles and noticed they were not in the greatest shape or even had hardly any line on them, but beggars can’t be choosers! The only bait we had was some bread balls that were in a container by the poles. I believe it was the same food they were feeding the horses earlier in the morning. Let the games begin. Naturally, playing on unfamiliar turf, the fish quickly scored up the takes, but eventually, we managed to catch a couple.

While we were fishing, Anna headed to breakfast with Olivia. We caught up with them a little later at the room. The entire family pod went for a hike around the property for about an hour or so. Hot, sweaty, and ready for some cooling off, we grabbed our suits and headed to the pool. We all had some drinks and Olivia ordered a few appetizers to manage the bellies growls.

Earlier this morning I made reservations to attend a chocolate-making class for all of us at 1pm. We could only hang by the pool for a little under an hour before going to the class. We definitely made the best of trying all the pools, drinking, and powering down the snacks. A few minutes before 1pm, we headed down to the restaurant for the chocolate experience.

I was glad to see it was a private class. Our instructor was named Carlos, a native to the area since birth and he had been here working at the property for the last six years. I can honestly say everything I knew about chocolate, the cocoa plant, and the chocolate-making process was totally wrong. The class was super informative and we all had a ball. It was so rewarding watching the kids interact and totally get into the whole process. We made and tried several different chocolate drinks and in the end even made our own unique chocolate bars. We have yet to try them.

With our brains freshly stimulated, we headed into town, La Fortuna. The girls wanted to shop around and walk the streets. After a few hours, we to Anch’io for dinner. We had eaten there ten years ago and it was some of the best pizza we had ever had. And let’s just say, they did not disappoint. The food was just as we remembered – AMAZING! Anna got pasta, which was so flavorful. Olivia and Thomas got a capressi pizza and a pumpkin soup. I opted for a pepperoni pizza. Nothing was left, except for a few slices. They gave us a complimentary bruschetta and a flan dessert that was over the top. I could have had 4 or 5 of those just as a meal.

It was a little after 6pm now and we started to head back to the car. I stopped in one of the shops that were more of a general-purpose store and found some tackle. I manage to buy line, hooks, and a lure all for a little over $3. INSANE! We the new wares, we could surely refit the fishing poles at the lodge and even the playing field now. Olivia and Anna headed back into a store we visited earlier and decided to donate some dinero to the locals. They came out with a bag of stuff.

With all of us a little bit on the done side, we drove back to the resort (about 20-25 minutes), headed to the pool for some drinks, and then I called it a night. Thomas stayed back in the room and chilled as well, however, the girls lit it up for the last evening at Chachagua and hung at the pool for a few hours before finally coming back to the room around 11pm.

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