Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Day 14 - Heading Home

 I was somewhat sad waking up this morning at the hotel knowing we needed to fly back home today. I had set my alarm last night for 6:30am, but woke up a little after 5am. I laid in bed until around 5:45am until finally getting up. I thought about returning the car last night, but instead decided to do it this morning. The car rental place was literally across the street and seeing it was super early, the rental return was lickidy split.

When I got back to the room, Olivia was slowly making her eyes adjust to the light. Anna got up a bit after. We let Thomas sleep a bit longer before finally waking him and we all headied to breakfast. We had some time, so we hung out in the room for about an hour, repacked, and relax before heading to the COVID testing site around 9am.

I had made an appointment for 10am, but figured we could probably get in a bit early. I'm glad we went as after 9am it started to get a bit busy in there. The results didn't take too long and wouldn't you know, we all were negative. The testing site had a shuttle van and it took us right to departures. Check-in didn't take long at all. However, when we got to the counter, the agent informed us that Anna's passport had expired. What? I thought I had checked all of that. He questioned how we made it into the country. After some back and forth, we said luckily it was not our fault for getting in. He extended the expiration for a day and made some calls to ensure we wouldn't have issues back at entry.

While we were going through Costa Rican passport control Anna asked where her iPad was. Oh oh - it was in the room. I called the hotel and they sent a driver over to the airport. The problem now was we were through passport control and I could not go back out to retrieve the iPad. I spoke with numerous people before finally convincing the captain to go out and get the iPad. Whoa, that was close! We already had one shocker. Two kind of made the heart skip a bit.

Anxiety levels a bit high, we all relaxed a bit and grabbed some food. We were going to sit for several hours, so we made the best of it. During boarding they called my name to the counter. They told me I needed to go grab my luggage and leave. They said I could not fly because they scanned some cannisters in our luggage. What? This can't be happening I thought. I went back and forth with the attendant before getting a security agent to walk me to the tarmac area and retrieved my bags. Apparently I had several bike air cannisters in the bags, which I removed from the luggage and handed to the securtiy personnel. They then took the luggage back to the luggage cart and proceeded to drive it to the plane. Crisis averted again!

We finally managed to get on the plane without any further issues and made our way to Miami. Once landed we went through immigration and eventually got into Charlotte. We arrived around 9:30pm and got home around 11pm. 

Another wonderful vacation that went by way too fast, but will be remembered for a lifetime! So glad I got to spend it with the people I love the most! 


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