Sunday, November 7, 2021

Day 5 – Onto Monteverde

 I got up early as usual and starting packing the car just to get a head start. Everyone got up shortly thereafter and we finished getting all our stuff together and thanked all at Calala Lodge. Mary Claire, the necklace artisan, was supposedly going to be up at the farmers market in Montezuma this morning. We stopped in Montezuma to try and visit her and have some breakfast. When we arrived, there was no farmers market, but plenty of places to eat. We sat down at the most happening one. The food was spot on. Anna ended up ordering lobster, I had a pepper sauced tuna, and Ash had a ham and cheese omelet.

We didn’t stay long in Montezuma, as our trip to Monteverde showed 4 hours and 15 minutes. Off we went and started zipping through the jungle. It was great ride and some beautiful scenery. We made pretty good time. At one point we went through a police checkpoint. Ashley called it out and luckily they just waved us through. Seemed to be quite a bit of police officers there for almost no cars and in the middle of the country. We stopped about an hour outside of Monteverde and grabbed some grub. Ashley and I both got some rice dishes, that were very good.

We got into Monteverde a little after 3pm. Our new home is the Monteverde Lodge and Gardens Resort. A quaint resort nestled on the side of the mountain, with beautiful grounds. We all saw a coati on the grounds just shortly after arriving. The concierge showed us around the place and then we finally settled in a bit. We walked the grounds and then headed up to the bar for some drinks.

Andreas was our bartender and would be for the remaining of the evening. I told Ashley, this was probably the best waiter/bartender I have ever had. Very attentive, knew everything we asked and when he didn’t, he would go find out. We had the place pretty much to ourselves, so he conversed with us for pretty much most of the night. We ate dinner at 6:30pm. Seabass for me, beef carpaccio for Anna, and a Beef Tenderloin for Ashely. All the food was amazing. My seabass sat on a bed of finely cut vegetables that just made it all pop. Anna steak tartar was some of the best I have ever had.

After a few more drinks, I was sleepy time for this old cat. Anna was already in the room and Ashley came a little shortly after me.

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